[R] Stuck in the Rd

Martin Maechler maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch
Fri Feb 23 20:07:14 CET 2001

>>>>> "Jim" == Jim Lemon <bitwrit at ozemail.com.au> writes:

    Jim> Having almost written a Tcl program to convert S help to Rd
    Jim> format, I have one problem that I have failed to solve after
    Jim> reading 'R-exts'.  Is there a tag something like '\item' that
    Jim> works in a similar way but doesn't have to be after an
    Jim> '\arguments' or '\value' tag?  I'm trying to include sections on
    Jim> 'MODEL PARAMETERS' and 'DESIGN PARAMETERS', but Rdconv is dropping
    Jim> all the info after the section title when I convert the result to
    Jim> HTML.  Other than that, the program appears to convert the files
    Jim> with only a few whiffy bits where font commands appear, and I can
    Jim> probably solve those.  Thanks for any suggestions from Rd gurus.

Something like

  % I hate all capitals
  \section{Model Parameters}{
    These are one of the following
     \item bla text
     \item blo more text
     \item blu still more

or rather 

  % I hate all capitals
  \section{Model Parameters}{
    These are one of the following
     \item{bla}{text about bla}
     \item{blo}{more text........}
     \item{blu}{still some about blu ...}

will work, I hope.

Martin Maechler <maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch>	http://stat.ethz.ch/~maechler/
Seminar fuer Statistik, ETH-Zentrum  LEO D10	Leonhardstr. 27
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