[R] Poisson regression with gamma random effects
Daniel A. Powers
dpowers at mail.la.utexas.edu
Fri Feb 16 19:42:41 CET 2001
Goran -
(A convoluted solution...)
I coded a problem like this in gauss using an S-plus program by Naryan
Sastry at Rand (given below). It is set up for piecewise constant hazard
models, but can easily be tricked to modeling counts as it calls a poisson
regression (glm) in the M-step. Note that I have not tested this in R,
but the gauss code gives the same results as stata's xtpois on McCullough
and Nelder's ship data.
Dan Powers
Associate Professor, Sociology
University of Texas at Austin
repwe <- function(formula, data, offset1=exposure, clust1=cluster,
interv1=interval, alpha.start=1, eps=1e-07, maxit=250, maxit1=20) {
# S-plus program to estimate a hazard model with a single gamma-distributed
# random effect using the E-M algorithm
# Author: Narayan Sastry
# Make sure formula includes no constant or offset, and that the first G
# variables describe the baseline hazard. Exposure should be in months.
# Sample call:
# model.out <- repwe(event~-1+factor(interval)+urb,data=ps.dat,clust1=cl,
# alpha.start=.5)
if(!is.data.frame(data)) stop("Data must be a data frame")
off.col <- match(deparse(substitute(offset1)),names(data))
exposure <- names(data[off.col])
clus.col <- match(deparse(substitute(clust1)),names(data))
cluster <- data[,clus.col]
inter.col <- match(deparse(substitute(interv1)),names(data))
interval <- data[,inter.col]
form1 <- as.character(formula)
formula2 <- paste(form1[2],"~",form1[3],"+offset(log(",exposure,"/12))")
event.col <- match(form1[2],names(data))
event <- data[,event.col]
tot.event <- tot.integ.haz <- rep(0,nrow(data))
N <- length(unique(cluster))
mu.hat1 <- mu.hat <- xi.hat <- t.ev.cl <- t.i.h.cl <- rep(0,N)
G <- max(interval)
off.set <- data[,off.col]/12
for(i in 1:N){
cl.num <- unique(cluster)[i]
tot.event[cluster==cl.num] <- t.ev.cl[i] <- sum(event[cluster==cl.num])
iter <- 0
phi.dif <- 1
cat("Iteration: ",format(iter)," alpha: ",format(alpha.start),"\n")
while((abs(phi.dif) > eps*10 | iter < 31) & iter <= maxit1) {
if(iter>0) {
old.coef <- haz.mod$coef
data$mu.hat1 <- (alpha.new + tot.event)/(alpha.new + tot.integ.haz) }
alpha <- if(iter==0) alpha.start else alpha.new
if(iter==1) formula2 <- paste(form1[2],"~",form1[3]," +
offset(log(",exposure,"/12) + log(mu.hat1))")
haz.mod <- glm(formula2,poisson,data,x=T)
log.L <- N*(alpha*log(alpha)-log(gamma(alpha))) + sum(event*predict(haz.mod)) +
sum(log(gamma(alpha+t.ev.cl))) - sum((alpha+t.ev.cl)*log(alpha+t.i.h.cl))
cat("logL = ",format(log.L),"\n")
integ.haz <- exp(predict(haz.mod)) * off.set
for(i in 1:N){
cl.num <- unique(cluster)[i]
tot.integ.haz[cluster==cl.num] <- t.i.h.cl[i] <-
sum(integ.haz[cluster==cl.num]) }
xi.hat <- digamma(alpha + t.ev.cl) - log(alpha + t.i.h.cl)
mu.hat <- (alpha + t.ev.cl)/(alpha + t.i.h.cl)
xi.mu.dif <- sum(xi.hat - mu.hat)
alpha.new <- newt.raph(alpha,xi.mu.dif,N,eps,maxit)
phi.dif3 <- 1
iter3 <- 0
while(abs(phi.dif3) > eps*10 & iter3 <= maxit) {
xi.hat <- digamma(alpha.new + t.ev.cl) - log(alpha.new + t.i.h.cl)
mu.hat <- (alpha.new + t.ev.cl)/(alpha.new + t.i.h.cl)
xi.mu.dif <- sum(xi.hat - mu.hat)
alpha.old <- alpha.new
alpha.new <- newt.raph(alpha.old,xi.mu.dif,N,eps,maxit)
phi.dif3 <- 1/alpha.new - 1/alpha.old
iter3 <- iter3 + 1
phi.dif <- 1/alpha - 1/alpha.new
iter <- iter + 1
cat("Iteration: ",format(iter)," alpha: ",format(alpha.new),"\n")
xi.hat <- digamma(alpha + t.ev.cl) - log(alpha + t.i.h.cl)
mu.hat <- (alpha + t.ev.cl)/(alpha + t.i.h.cl)
d2Q.dtheta2 <- t(haz.mod$x * haz.mod$weights) %*% haz.mod$x
p <- nrow(d2Q.dtheta2)
E.w.D <- cbind(rbind(d2Q.dtheta2,rep(0,p)),rep(0,p+1))
E.w.D[p+1,p+1] <- -N * (1/alpha - trigamma(alpha))
var.w <- mu.hat / (alpha + t.i.h.cl)
var.logw <- trigamma(alpha + t.ev.cl)
cov.w.logw <- mu.hat * (digamma(alpha + t.ev.cl + 1) -
digamma(alpha + t.ev.cl))
var.logww <- var.logw + var.w - 2 * cov.w.logw
cov.w.logww <- cov.w.logw - var.w
A <- rep(0,p)
if(p-G!=0) dHAZ.dbeta <- haz.mod$x[,(G+1):p] * integ.haz
dHAZ.dgam <- integ.haz
for(i in 1:N) {
cl.num <- unique(cluster)[i]
for(j in 1:p) {
A[j] <- if(j<=G) { sum(dHAZ.dgam[cluster==cl.num & interval==j]) }
else { if(p-G>1) sum(dHAZ.dbeta[cluster==cl.num,(j-G)])
else if(p-G==1) sum(dHAZ.dbeta[cluster==cl.num]) } }
T.i <- rbind(cbind(-A,rep(0,p)),c(0,1))
Var.W.i <- matrix(c(var.w[i],rep(cov.w.logww[i],2),var.logww[i]),2)
Var.U.i <- T.i %*% Var.W.i %*% t(T.i)
Var.U <- if(i==1) Var.U.i else Var.U + Var.U.i }
SVD <- svd (E.w.D - Var.U)
variances <- sqrt(diag( t(SVD$u %*% (t(SVD$v) * (1/SVD$d))) ))
log.L <- N*(alpha*log(alpha)-log(gamma(alpha))) + sum(event*predict(haz.mod)) +
sum(log(gamma(alpha+t.ev.cl))) - sum((alpha+t.ev.cl)*log(alpha+t.i.h.cl))
cat("logL = ",format(log.L),"\n")
final.mod <- haz.mod
final.mod$alpha <- alpha
cat("1/alpha: ",format(1/alpha),"\n")
cat("t(1/alpha):",format((1/alpha)/sqrt(alpha^(-4) * variances[p+1]^2)),"\n")
final.mod$alpha.se <- variances[p+1]
cat("s.e.(1/alpha): ",format(sqrt(alpha^(-4) * variances[p+1]^2)),"\n")
final.mod$phi.dif <- phi.dif
final.mod$iter <- iter
final.mod$std.errs <- variances[1:p]
cat("New t-values: ","\n")
newt.raph <- function(alpha.old,xi.mu.dif,n,epsilon,maxit) {
iterations <- 0
phi.dif <- 1
alpha <- alpha.old
while(abs(phi.dif) > epsilon & iterations <= maxit) {
dQ.dalpha <- xi.mu.dif + n*(1 + log(alpha) - digamma(alpha))
d2Q.dalpha2 <- n*(1 / alpha - trigamma(alpha))
alpha.new <- alpha - dQ.dalpha / d2Q.dalpha2
phi.dif <- 1/alpha - 1/alpha.new
iterations <- iterations + 1
alpha <- alpha.new
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