[R] evaluation is nested too deeply: infinite recursion?

Mathieu Ros mathieuros at bigfoot.com
Wed Mar 15 22:24:40 CET 2000

hello R-users,
I'm trying to port from S+4 a library called S2HTML.
generic function HTMLExport, when called for a lm object, uses
HTMLExport.lm which itself calls HTMLExport.list to export the summary.
My problem is that HTMLExport.list may itself call HTMLExport (and so
HTMLExport.list) for  components of the lists that are lists themselves
(like "terms" component of an lm object).
I get the following error message in this case :
Error in as.vector(x) : evaluation is nested too deeply: infinite
I believe this error is due to a too deep recursion but maybe there is a
way to overcome this error (shouldn't it be a warning?).
I would be very grateful if anybody could help me or give me a hint.
PS : code of these functions is in my last 2 mails.

Mathieu Ros                   |             Sigma+
http://mathieu.ros.free.fr/   |    http://www.sigmaplus.fr
DESS ingénierie mathématique  |  5 place st pierre, Toulouse
    (biostatistiques)         |
l'expérience est le nom que chacun donne a ses erreurs. Wilde

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