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hello R-users,
<br>I'm trying to port from S+4 a library called S2HTML.
<br>generic function HTMLExport, when called for a lm object, uses
HTMLExport.lm which itself calls HTMLExport.list to export the summary.
<br>My problem is that HTMLExport.list may itself call HTMLExport (and
so HTMLExport.list) for components of the lists that are lists themselves
(like "terms" component of an lm object).
<br>I get the following error message in this case :
<br>Error in as.vector(x) : evaluation is nested too deeply: infinite recursion?
<br>I believe this error is due to a too deep recursion but maybe there
is a way to overcome this error (shouldn't it be a warning?).
<br>I would be very grateful if anybody could help me or give me a hint.
<br> Mathieu
<br>PS : code of these functions is in my last 2 mails.
Mathieu Ros | Sigma+
<A HREF="http://mathieu.ros.free.fr/">http://mathieu.ros.free.fr/</A> | <A HREF="http://www.sigmaplus.fr">http://www.sigmaplus.fr</A>
DESS ingénierie mathématique | 5 place st pierre, Toulouse
(biostatistiques) |
l'expérience est le nom que chacun donne a ses erreurs. Wilde</pre>