[R] Re: Latest/last beta of R 1.1.1 for MacOS (rel Dec 10 2000)

Ragnar Beer rbeer at uni-goettingen.de
Tue Dec 19 13:43:33 CET 2000

Hi Stefano! Very cool what you're doing! R works like a charm on my 
G3/233 Powerbook. No crashes.

(Again) I tried all the demos. Everything worked well with two exceptions:

In demo("graphics") the draw.plotmath.cell demos don't render the 
text inside the boxes where they should be but the text sticks out to 
the left for example.

Demo("nlm") doesn't work for memory reasons even if I set preferences 
to 10M/1000k. I'm looking forward to 1.2.

Thanks a lot!

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