R-beta: compiling R on RedHat 5.1
Dr X Cai
caix at isdugp.bham.ac.uk
Wed Oct 7 18:21:20 CEST 1998
[accidentally was sent to the R-help-owner only; MM]
** when I compile R-0.62.3 on RedHat 5.1, the following messages
f77 -export-dynamic -o R.binary ...
../lib/libunix.a(dataentry.o): In function `NextEvent':
/home/ming/R-0.62.3/src/unix/dataentry.c:1286: undefined reference to `XNextEvent'
../lib/libunix.a(dataentry.o): In function `GetKey':
/home/ming/R-0.62.3/src/unix/dataentry.c:1286: undefined reference to `XLookupString'
there are tens of such undefined references. I guess it is due to
some uninstalled RPMs, but do not have any idea what they are.
** I also tried to get binary-R in rpm files, but the message says:
<> rpm -ivh R-base-0_62_3-1_i386.rpm
failed dependencies:
libncurses.so.3.0 is needed by R-base-0.62.3-1
I checked it, and found libncurses.so.3.0 is linked to
libncurses.so.1.9.9e under the directory /usr/i486-linux-libc5/lib
I am confused...
Your help is appreciated.
Xiaoming Cai
School of Geography
.&______~*@*~______&. University of Birmingham
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