[Rd] Trying to compile R 4.2.x on Linux as 32bit sub-architecture

Martin Maechler m@ech|er @end|ng |rom @t@t@m@th@ethz@ch
Mon Jun 20 15:35:34 CEST 2022

>>>>> Berwin A Turlach 
>>>>>     on Sun, 19 Jun 2022 02:30:03 +0800 writes:

    > G'day all, On Sat, 18 Jun 2022 22:58:19 +0800 Berwin A
    > Turlach <Berwin.Turlach using gmail.com> wrote:

    >> [...] I attach the relevant file from trying to compile
    >> R-patched during last night's run.

    > Mmh, on the web-interface to the mailing list I see that
    > the attachment might have been deleted.  Perhaps because
    > it was too large?

    > So below the start and the final part from
    > reg-tests-1d.Rout.fail which shows where the error occurs.

    > Cheers,
    > Berwin

Aaah... now we are talking ;-)

Thank you, Berwin!

Your subject was misleading to me.  This does not seem to be
about *compiling* R 4.2.x  but rather *checking* / *testing* its
functionality *after compilation and installation.

I think you are right, and we should adapt our regression tests
to still not fail here.
Also, as I was the one who added these checks, I'd like to get
this "right".

Last but not least:  We are *grateful* indeed for people like
you, testing a *pre-release* version such as   '4.2.1 RC' as we
can see below.

Note that I do test with  '../R/configure --disable-long-double'
but this cannot be the only reason.
BTW, all the pretty *warnings* below are fine and expected; the
problem is that resulting numbers end up "wrong"

I will need some more information:
Ideally, the R console output of these 5 lines of R code:


Could you help here, doing this *off*-list?

Thanking you in advance and giving best regards,

    > ----------------------------
    > R version 4.2.1 RC (2022-06-17 r82501) -- "Funny-Looking Kid"
    > Copyright (C) 2022 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
    > Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/32 (32-bit)

    > R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
    > You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
    > Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details.

    > R is a collaborative project with many contributors.
    > Type 'contributors()' for more information and
    > 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications.

    > Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or
    > 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help.
    > Type 'q()' to quit R.

    >> ## Regression tests for R >= 3.4.0

 > [...very large snip...]

    >> ## pretty(x) when range(x) is finite but diff(range(x)) is +/- Inf:
    >> B <- 1e308; 2*B; (s <- seq(-B,B,length.out = 3))
    > [1] Inf
    > [1] -1e+308   0e+00  1e+308
    >> options(warn=1) # => warnings *as they happen*
    >> (ps <- pretty(c(-B,B)))
    > [1] -1e+308 -5e+307   0e+00  5e+307  1e+308
    >> ## Warning in pretty.default(c(-B, B)) :
    >> ##   Internal(pretty()): very large range 4e+307, corrected to 2.24712e+307
    >> nps <- length(ps)
    >> dd <- sum((dps <- diff(ps))/length(dps)) # mean w/o overflow
    >> epsC <- .Machine$double.eps
    >> relD <- (dps/dd - 1)/epsC
    >> relEr <- function(f, y) abs((f-y)/(f+y)*2) # cheap relative error, |f| > 0 !
    >> stopifnot(is.finite(mean(ps)), ## these all failed without "long-double"
    > +           is.finite(mdp <- mean(dps)),
    > +           all.equal(dd, mdp, tolerance=1e-15))
    >> stopifnot(relEr(c(-B,B), ps[c(1L,nps)]) <= 4*epsC,
    > +           -8 <= relD, relD <= 8) # seen [-1.5,.., 3.0]; w/o long-double: [-5, .., 4]
    >> ## ps was   0 Inf Inf Inf Inf Inf Inf Inf Inf Inf  0 , in R <= 4.1.0
    >> f. <- c(-1.797, -1.79, -1.75, seq(-1.7, -1, by=.1))
    >> stopifnot(!is.unsorted(f.)) ; f.nm <- setNames(, f.)
    >> fmtRng <- function(x) paste(format(range(x)), collapse=", ")
    >> ns <- c(2:12, 15, 20, 30, 51, 100, 2001, 1e5)
    >> nms.n <- formatC(ns, digits=0, format="f")
    >> nmsRng <- c(t(outer(paste0("r",1:2), c("lo","hi"), paste, sep=".")))
    >> rr <- matrix(NA, length(ns), 4, dimnames=list(nms.n, nmsRng))
    >> for(i.n in seq_along(ns)) {
    > +     n <- ns[i.n]
    > +     cat("n = ", n,":\n--------\n")
    > +     pBL <- lapply(f., function(f) structure(pretty(c(f*1e308, 2^1023.9), n), f=f))
    > +     ## -> a warning per f
    > +     n.s <- lengths(pBL) # how close to target 'n' ??
    > +     cat("lengths(.) in [", fmtRng(n.s), "]\n")
    > +     if(n <= 15) stopifnot(n.s <= 20)# seen {14,..,17}
    > +     else stopifnot(abs(n.s/n - 1) <= 1/2)
    > +     if(n) cat("length(.) <> n relative err in [", fmtRng(n.s/n - 1), "]\n")
    > +     ## .pretty(*, bounds=FALSE) :
    > +     prM <- t(sapply(f.nm, function(f)
    > +         unlist( .pretty(c(f*1e308, 2^1023.9), n, bounds=FALSE) )))
    > +     print(prM)
    > +     luM <- prM[,c("ns","nu")] * prM[,"unit"] # the pretty-scaled unit
    > +     r1 <- luM[,"ns"] / (f.nm*1e308)
    > +     rr[i.n, 1:2] <- r1 <- range(r1)
    > +     cat(sprintf("range(r1): [%g, %g]\n", r1[1], r1[2]))
    > +     r2 <- luM[,"nu"] / 2^1023.9
    > +     rr[i.n, 3:4] <- r2 <- range(r2)
    > +     cat(sprintf("range(r2): [%g, %g]\n", r2[1], r2[2]))
    > +     stopifnot(exprs = { is.matrix(prM)
    > +             prM[,"nu"] - prM[,"ns"] == prM[,"n"] # could differ, but not for this data
    > +             identical(colnames(prM), c("ns", "nu", "n", "unit"))
    > +             ## These bounds depend on 'n' :
    > +             r1 >= if(n <= 12) 0.55 else 0.89
    > +             r1 <= if(n <= 15) 1.4  else 1.1
    > +             r2 >= if(n <= 12) 0.58 else 0.95
    > +             r2 <= if(n <= 15) 1    else 1.025
    > +     })
    > +     invisible(lapply(pBL, function(ps) {
    > +         mdB <- sum((dB <- diff(ps))/length(dB))
    > +         rd <- dB/mdB - 1 # relative differences
    > +         ## print(range(rd))
    > +         x <- c(attr(ps,"f")*1e308, 2^1023.9)
    > +         stopifnot(if(n >= 1) abs(rd) <= n * 3e-15 else TRUE,
    > +                   ps[1] <= x[1] , x[2] <= ps[length(ps)])
    > +     }))
    > + }
    > n =  2 :
    > --------
    > Warning in pretty.default(c(f * 1e+308, 2^1023.9), n) :
    > R_pretty(): very large range 'cell'=1.73715e+308, corrected to 1.43815e+308
    > Warning in pretty.default(c(f * 1e+308, 2^1023.9), n) :
    > R_pretty(): very large range 'cell'=1.73365e+308, corrected to 1.43815e+308
    > Warning in pretty.default(c(f * 1e+308, 2^1023.9), n) :
    > R_pretty(): very large range 'cell'=1.71365e+308, corrected to 1.43815e+308
    > Warning in pretty.default(c(f * 1e+308, 2^1023.9), n) :
    > R_pretty(): very large range 'cell'=1.68865e+308, corrected to 1.43815e+308
    > Warning in pretty.default(c(f * 1e+308, 2^1023.9), n) :
    > R_pretty(): very large range 'cell'=1.63865e+308, corrected to 1.43815e+308
    > Warning in pretty.default(c(f * 1e+308, 2^1023.9), n) :
    > R_pretty(): very large range 'cell'=1.58865e+308, corrected to 1.43815e+308
    > Warning in pretty.default(c(f * 1e+308, 2^1023.9), n) :
    > R_pretty(): very large range 'cell'=1.53865e+308, corrected to 1.43815e+308
    > Warning in pretty.default(c(f * 1e+308, 2^1023.9), n) :
    > R_pretty(): very large range 'cell'=1.48865e+308, corrected to 1.43815e+308
    > Warning in pretty.default(c(f * 1e+308, 2^1023.9), n) :
    > R_pretty(): very large range 'cell'=1.43865e+308, corrected to 1.43815e+308
    > lengths(.) in [ 1, 3 ]
    > length(.) <> n relative err in [ -0.5,  0.5 ]
    > Warning in .pretty(c(f * 1e+308, 2^1023.9), n, bounds = FALSE) :
    > R_pretty(): very large range 'cell'=1.73715e+308, corrected to 1.43815e+308
    > Warning in .pretty(c(f * 1e+308, 2^1023.9), n, bounds = FALSE) :
    > R_pretty(): very large range 'cell'=1.73365e+308, corrected to 1.43815e+308
    > Warning in .pretty(c(f * 1e+308, 2^1023.9), n, bounds = FALSE) :
    > R_pretty(): very large range 'cell'=1.71365e+308, corrected to 1.43815e+308
    > Warning in .pretty(c(f * 1e+308, 2^1023.9), n, bounds = FALSE) :
    > R_pretty(): very large range 'cell'=1.68865e+308, corrected to 1.43815e+308
    > Warning in .pretty(c(f * 1e+308, 2^1023.9), n, bounds = FALSE) :
    > R_pretty(): very large range 'cell'=1.63865e+308, corrected to 1.43815e+308
    > Warning in .pretty(c(f * 1e+308, 2^1023.9), n, bounds = FALSE) :
    > R_pretty(): very large range 'cell'=1.58865e+308, corrected to 1.43815e+308
    > Warning in .pretty(c(f * 1e+308, 2^1023.9), n, bounds = FALSE) :
    > R_pretty(): very large range 'cell'=1.53865e+308, corrected to 1.43815e+308
    > Warning in .pretty(c(f * 1e+308, 2^1023.9), n, bounds = FALSE) :
    > R_pretty(): very large range 'cell'=1.48865e+308, corrected to 1.43815e+308
    > Warning in .pretty(c(f * 1e+308, 2^1023.9), n, bounds = FALSE) :
    > R_pretty(): very large range 'cell'=1.43865e+308, corrected to 1.43815e+308
    > ns nu n   unit
    > -1.797  0  0 0    Inf
    > -1.79   0  0 0    Inf
    > -1.75   0  0 0    Inf
    > -1.7    0  0 0    Inf
    > -1.6    0  0 0    Inf
    > -1.5    0  0 0    Inf
    > -1.4    0  0 0    Inf
    > -1.3    0  0 0    Inf
    > -1.2    0  0 0    Inf
    > -1.1   -1  1 2 1e+308
    > -1     -1  1 2 1e+308
    > range(r1): [NaN, NaN]
    > range(r2): [NaN, NaN]
    > Error: r1 >= if (n <= 12) 0.55 else 0.89 are not all TRUE
    > Execution halted

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