[Rd] Getting error in rbindlist

Hugh Parsonage hugh@p@r@on@ge @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Fri Nov 1 18:24:06 CET 2019

This is (was) a bug in data.table that is similar to one which was
putatively closed. Recommend you update to the latest version and if the
problem persists reopen the issue here

This mailing list is for R bugs, which this isn’t. R Core can no more help
you with this bug than with a paper jam in your printer.


On Sat, 2 Nov 2019 at 3:14 am, Anshul Saravgi <
anshul.saravgi using o9solutions.com> wrote:

> Hi All
> Can you help me understand the meaning of the below error message then I
> will try to figure out what is going wrong:
> *Input Code:*
> > q <- lapply(
> +   lapply(split(lctolc2, lctolc2$Item), function(x) graph.data.frame(x[,
> 2:3])),
> +   function(x) lapply(
> +     V(x)[degree(x, mode = "in") == 0],
> +     function(s) all_simple_paths(x, from = s,
> +                                  to = V(x)[degree(x, mode = "out") == 0])
> %>%
> +       lapply(
> +         function(y) as.data.table(t(names(y))) %>% setnames(paste0("LC",
> seq_along(.)))
> +       ) %>%
> +       rbindlist(use.names=TRUE,fill = TRUE)
> +   ) %>% rbindlist(use.names=TRUE,fill = TRUE)
> + ) %>% rbindlist(use.names=TRUE,fill = TRUE, idcol = "Item")
> *Error message:*
> Error in rbindlist(., use.names = TRUE, fill = TRUE, idcol = "Item") :
>   attempt to set index 8424/8424 in SET_STRING_ELT
> In addition: There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the
> first 50)
> I am not understanding what is in SET_STRING_ELT which it is trying to
> throw an error.
> Please help me
> *Regards,*
> *Anshul Saravgi*
> Consulting
> m: 7757030307
> <https://www.o9solutions.com/>
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