[Rd] Getting error in rbindlist
Tomas Kalibera
tom@@@k@||ber@ @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Fri Nov 1 17:47:20 CET 2019
On 11/1/19 5:24 PM, Anshul Saravgi wrote:
> Thanks Tomas for identifying the bug.
> *How to resolve this bug? Can you please help me here?*
I would recommend you first try to create a complete reproducible
example (the code below is just a snippet). Then try to minimize it -
make it do as little as possible but still trigger the bug. Then try to
reduce the number of packages used. If you ended up with code that used
only base R (no packages outside R distribution), then submit again to
R-devel (it is a likely bug in R itself, so if you can't trace the bug
down yourself, someone here would do it). Base R would not let any user
code write beyond the end of the string, so if you can reproduce this in
base R, it is definitely a bug.
If you end up with code that still uses some contributed packages from
these below, you need to find out/guess which of them is responsible and
try to ask for help the maintainer of that package. It would more likely
be a bug in some of those packages, but in principle it could also be a
problem in how you are using them.
If you haven't done that already, it may be useful to update your
packages - just in case the problem has already been resolved.
> *I am using the below code:*
> library(plyr)
> library(dplyr)
> library(tidyr)
> library(igraph)
> library(magrittr)
> library(reshape2)
> library(tibble)
> colnames(lctolc3) <- c("Item","LC","ToLC")
> bodlane3 <- lapply(
> lapply(split(lctolc3, lctolc3$Item), function(x)
> graph.data.frame(x[, 2:3])),
> function(x) lapply(
> V(x)[degree(x, mode = "in") == 0],
> function(s) all_simple_paths(x, from = s,
> to = V(x)[degree(x, mode = "out") ==
> 0]) %>%
> lapply(
> function(y) as.data.table(t(names(y))) %>%
> setnames(paste0("LC", seq_along(.)))
> ) %>%
> rbindlist(use.names=TRUE,fill = TRUE)
> ) %>% rbindlist(use.names=TRUE,fill = TRUE)
> ) %>% rbindlist(use.names=TRUE,fill = TRUE, idcol = "Item")
> *Regards,*
> *Anshul Saravgi*
> Consulting
> m: 7757030307
> <https://www.o9solutions.com/>
> AI powered solutions that predict, prescribe, learn and are 100x
> faster, smarter and easier to use
> On Fri, Nov 1, 2019 at 9:51 PM Tomas Kalibera
> <tomas.kalibera using gmail.com <mailto:tomas.kalibera using gmail.com>> wrote:
> On 11/1/19 1:11 PM, Anshul Saravgi wrote:
> > Hi All
> >
> > Can you help me understand the meaning of the below error
> message then I
> > will try to figure out what is going wrong:
> >
> > *Input Code:*
> >> bodlane2 <- lapply(
> > + lapply(split(lctolc2, lctolc2$Item), function(x)
> graph.data.frame(x[,
> > 2:3])),
> > + function(x) lapply(
> > + V(x)[degree(x, mode = "in") == 0],
> > + function(s) all_simple_paths(x, from = s,
> > + to = V(x)[degree(x, mode =
> "out") == 0])
> > %>%
> > + lapply(
> > + function(y) as.data.table(t(names(y))) %>%
> setnames(paste0("LC",
> > seq_along(.)))
> > + ) %>%
> > + rbindlist(use.names=TRUE,fill = TRUE)
> > + ) %>% rbindlist(use.names=TRUE,fill = TRUE)
> > + ) %>% rbindlist(use.names=TRUE,fill = TRUE, idcol = "Item")
> >
> > *Error message:*
> > Error in rbindlist(., use.names = TRUE, fill = TRUE, idcol =
> "Item") :
> > attempt to set index 8424/8424 in SET_STRING_ELT
> > In addition: There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to
> see the
> > first 50)
> >
> > I am not understanding what is in SET_STRING_ELT which it is
> trying to
> > throw an error.
> > Please help me
> The code is trying to write beyond the end of a string vector (to an
> element the vector does not have). This is typically a bug in native
> code of a package.
> Best
> Tomas
> >
> >
> > *Regards,*
> >
> > *Anshul Saravgi*
> >
> > Consulting
> > m: 7757030307
> >
> > <https://www.o9solutions.com/>
> > AI powered solutions that predict, prescribe, learn and are 100x
> faster,
> > smarter and easier to use
> >
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