[Rd] "if" function in pure R?

Alexandre Courtiol @|ex@ndre@court|o| @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Sun May 26 10:45:06 CEST 2019

Hi all,

Could anyone refer to me to a good source to learn how to program a simple
control-flow construct* in R, or provide me with a simple example?

Control-flow constructs are programmed as primitives, but I would like to
be able to do that (if possible) in pure R.

The general context is that those functions are a mystery to me. The
motivating example is that I would like to create a function that behave
similarly to base::`if` with an extra argument to the function (e.g. to
include an error rate on the condition).

Many thanks,


* control-flow constructs are functions such as if, for, while... that
allow for call of the form fn(x) expr to work (see ?Control).

Alexandre Courtiol


*"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts"*, R. Feynman

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