[Rd] Downsized R configuration for flat deployment

dmedri m@iii@g oii gm@ii@com dmedri m@iii@g oii gm@ii@com
Sat Dec 21 14:39:56 CET 2019

Dear folks,

I'm testing a downsized R build - in features and obviously sizes -
for a "modern" flat deployment (eg. like python virtualenv, just to
name one).


1) Is flat style possible?
2) With this setup, R and packages can be installed/updated?
3) The directory can be easy renamed or moved?


I didn't find any official git repo, so I downloaded latest stable
R release (3.6.2), exploring different setups of configure options. 

# tested in debian 10
# $ sudo apt-get build-dep r-base

$ mkdir ~/r-virtual
$ cd R-3.6.2/
$ ./configure --prefix=/home/dmedri/r-virtual/ \
            --exec-prefix=/home/dmedri/r-virtual/ \
            --without-recommended-packages \
            --without-cairo \
            --without-libtiff \
            --without-jpeglib \
            --without-x \
            --without-aqua \
            --without-tcltk \

$ make && make install

This minimal R could run inside a container, no desktop just cli,
with just one graphical formats in output (png). Java support was
leaved in. I didn't find options to disable html docs. Recommended
packages were leaved out, for a 2nd stage.

$ cd r-virtual/
$ ./bin/R

The environment was there, "yes" to question 1).

I can install/update packages, obviously with required includes
installed in the system, not fetched online -- a limit, looking at
python pip, partially by design/choice. BTW answer to question 2)
is "yes" for packages, "no" for the core.

Without the "--disable-rpath" option, abs paths break everything
with the easy case of "renaming r-virtual directory". IMHO this option
should be a general default, and another "yes" to question 3).

While I'm still investigating, tips are welcome... 


Best Regards,


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