[Rd] Bias in R's random integers?
Radford Neal
r@dford @ending from c@@toronto@edu
Thu Sep 20 17:01:33 CEST 2018
> From: Duncan Murdoch <murdoch.duncan using gmail.com>
> Let's try it:
> > m <- (2/5)*2^32
> > m > 2^31
> [1] FALSE
> > x <- sample(m, 1000000, replace = TRUE)
> > table(x %% 2)
> 0 1
> 399850 600150
> Since m is an even number, the true proportions of evens and odds should
> be exactly 0.5. That's some pretty strong evidence of the bug in the
> generator.
It seems to be a recently-introduced bug. Here's output with R-2.15.1:
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> set.seed(123)
> m <- (2/5)*2^32
> m > 2^31
> x <- sample(m, 1000000, replace = TRUE)
> table(x %% 2)
0 1
499412 500588
So I doubt that this has anything to do with bias from using 32-bit
random values.
Radford Neal
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