[Rd] Warning when calling formals() for `[`.

Rui Barradas ruipb@rr@d@@ @ending from @@po@pt
Sat Oct 6 19:42:52 CEST 2018


I believe that this is maybe not a *feature* but at least expected 

The call formals(args(`[`)) breaks down to

 > args(`[`)
 > formals(NULL)
Warning message:
In formals(fun) : argument is not a function

Hope this helps,

Rui Barradas

Às 18:26 de 06/10/2018, Laurent Gautier escreveu:
> Hi,
> A short code example showing the warning might the only thing needed here:
> ```
>> formals(args(`[`))
> *Warning message:In formals(fun) : argument is not a function*
>> is.function(`[`)
> [1] TRUE
>> is.primitive(`[`)
> [1] TRUE
> ```
> Now with an other primitive:
> ```
>> formals(args(`sum`))
> $...
> $na.rm
> [1] FALSE
>> is.function(`sum`)
> [1] TRUE
>> is.primitive(`sum`)
> [1] TRUE
>> class(`[`)
> [1] "function"
> ```
> Is this a feature ?
> Laurent
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