[Rd] Rgui 3.5.0 print issue

Tomas Kalibera tom@@@k@liber@ @ending from gm@il@com
Wed Jun 13 13:36:48 CEST 2018

Thanks for the report, I can reproduce. In Rgui, the output of 
"print(cars)" is incorrect, the line numbers appear as part of the 
command prompt string (printed in reverse order, without newlines), 
while the rest of the output is correctly displayed. This is a bug, I 
will have a closer look


On 06/11/2018 11:10 AM, Diego Zardetto wrote:
> Dear all,
> I would like to have your opinion about an issue I have recently run into
> while using tcltk in R 3.5.0 under Windows 7 64bit.
> Here is a reproducible example of the issue, along with information about
> platform and OS.
> ###############################################################
> # R 3.5.0 issue: print does not work properly for data.frames #
> #                when called from a tcltk window.             #
> #                                                             #
> # NOTE: The issue shows up when using Rgui, but disappears    #
> #       if Rterm is used.                                     #
> #                                                             #
> # NOTE: The issue starts with R 3.5.0, and is still there     #
> #       in R 3.5.0 patched build for Windows, as well as in   #
> #       R-Devel.                                              #
> ###############################################################
> # Reproducible example
> library(tcltk)
> data(cars)
> win1 <- tktoplevel()
> butOK <- tkbutton(win1, text = "OK", command = function() print(cars))
> tkgrid(butOK)
> # NOTE: Upon pressing OK, the rownames of cars are not printed on
> #       screen, but end up into R's prompt.
> ################################
> # R version and platform info. #
> ################################
>> R.version
>                 _
> platform       x86_64-w64-mingw32
> arch           x86_64
> os             mingw32
> system         x86_64, mingw32
> status
> major          3
> minor          5.0
> year           2018
> month          04
> day            23
> svn rev        74626
> language       R
> version.string R version 3.5.0 (2018-04-23)
> nickname       Joy in Playing
> ##########################
> # Operating system info. #
> ##########################
>> Sys.info()
>                       sysname                      release
>                     "Windows"                      "7 x64"
>                       version                     nodename
> "build 7601, Service Pack 1"                    "PC79258"
>                       machine                        login
>                      "x86-64"                   "zardetto"
>                          user               effective_user
>                    "zardetto"                   "zardetto"
> I would appreciate any feedback you could provide.
> Thanks
> D.
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