[Rd] Rgui 3.5.0 print issue

Diego Zardetto z@rdetto @ending from i@t@t@it
Mon Jun 11 11:10:15 CEST 2018

Dear all,


I would like to have your opinion about an issue I have recently run into
while using tcltk in R 3.5.0 under Windows 7 64bit.


Here is a reproducible example of the issue, along with information about
platform and OS.



# R 3.5.0 issue: print does not work properly for data.frames #

#                when called from a tcltk window.             #

#                                                             #

# NOTE: The issue shows up when using Rgui, but disappears    #

#       if Rterm is used.                                     #

#                                                             #

# NOTE: The issue starts with R 3.5.0, and is still there     #

#       in R 3.5.0 patched build for Windows, as well as in   #

#       R-Devel.                                              #


# Reproducible example



win1 <- tktoplevel()

butOK <- tkbutton(win1, text = "OK", command = function() print(cars))


# NOTE: Upon pressing OK, the rownames of cars are not printed on 

#       screen, but end up into R's prompt.




# R version and platform info. #


> R.version


platform       x86_64-w64-mingw32          

arch           x86_64                      

os             mingw32                     

system         x86_64, mingw32             


major          3                           

minor          5.0                         

year           2018                        

month          04                          

day            23                          

svn rev        74626                       

language       R                           

version.string R version 3.5.0 (2018-04-23)

nickname       Joy in Playing



# Operating system info. #


> Sys.info()

                     sysname                      release 

                   "Windows"                      "7 x64" 

                     version                     nodename 

"build 7601, Service Pack 1"                    "PC79258" 

                     machine                        login 

                    "x86-64"                   "zardetto" 

                        user               effective_user 

                  "zardetto"                   "zardetto"



I would appreciate any feedback you could provide.




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