[Rd] [patch] Error in reg-tests-1c.R (R-devel)

Berwin A Turlach Berwin.Turlach at gmail.com
Wed May 18 13:10:11 CEST 2016

G'day Martin,

On Wed, 18 May 2016 12:50:21 +0200
Martin Maechler <maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch> wrote:

> >>>>> Mikko Korpela <mikko.korpela at helsinki.fi>
> >>>>>     on Wed, 18 May 2016 13:05:24 +0300 writes:
>     > I get an error when running "make check" after building
>     > R-devel r70629 on Ubuntu 14.04. 
>     > Here are the relevant
>     > lines in the file "reg-tests-1c.Rout.fail":
> This is ..hmm.. "interesting".  We have a few other non-ASCII
> characters in a few of the tests/*.R  files  and they don't seem to
> harm your checks; even  reg-tests-1c.R  contains some.
> Also, the "Installation and Administration" R Manual mentions
> that some of the tests only run flawlessly if you are not using
> "unusual" locales.  So I am a bit puzzled that exactly this
> (new) test fails in your locale, but the others did not.

Well, my nightly script had also failed to complete due to the same
problem.  But I usually wait a day or two before reporting such a problem, 
in the hope that the problem sorts itself out. :)

But to confirm this issue:
* My (bash) script sets:
	export LANG=en_AU.UTF-8
* The crontab entry that runs it is:
	44 5 * * * cd /opt/src ; /usr/bin/xvfb-run ./R-aop-Doit
* The relevant part of reg-tests-1c.Rout.fail says:

	> ## m1z uses match(x, *) with length(x) == 1 and failed in R 3.3.0 
	> ## PR#16909 - a consequence of the match() bug; check here too:
	> dv <- data.frame(varé1 = 1:3, varé2 = 3); dv[,"varé2"] <- 2
	Error: unexpected input in "dv <- data.frame(var�"
	Execution halted



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