[Rd] ALLOCATE in a FORTRAN subroutine

MAURICE Jean - externe jean-externe.maurice at edf.fr
Fri Mar 4 09:34:27 CET 2016

I am a FORTRAN developer and I am 'translating' R functions in FORTRAN subroutines. I am 'new' to R. It's my first question in this mailing-list and English is not my natural language.

Very often, an R function gives an  'array' as result and you don't have to bother with the dimension of the array : R creates automatically an array with the good length. It's not really the case with FORTRAN. I call FORTRAN subroutines with .fortran().

Until now, I create an array with the 'max' dimensions in R, give it to FORTRAN; FORTRAN updates the array and R retrieves it. But calculating the 'max' before calling the FORTRAN subroutine can be complicated. Is it possible to create a 'new' array in a FORTRAN subroutine and to make it be read by R ?

Or is it possible to have a 'pointer' in R, to give it to the FORTRAN subroutine where an ALLOCATE can create the array and then R works with the array ?
The other solution, is to work with dummies dimension in FORTRAN (REAL*8 array1(*)) but can R work with that ?


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