[Rd] Error generated by .Internal(nchar) disappears when debugging

Duncan Murdoch murdoch.duncan at gmail.com
Tue Oct 6 01:57:21 CEST 2015

On 05/10/2015 7:24 PM, Matt Dowle wrote:
> Joris Meys <jorismeys <at> gmail.com> writes:
>> Hi all,
>> I have a puzzling problem related to nchar. In R 3.2.1, the internal 
> nchar
>> gained an extra argument (see
>> https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-announce/2015/000586.html)
>> I've been testing code using the package copula, and at home I'm still
>> running R 3.2.0 (I know, I know...). When trying the following code, I 
> got
>> an error:
>>> library(copula)
>>> fgmCopula(0.8)
>> Error in substr(sc[i], 2, nchar(sc[i]) - 1) :
>>   4 arguments passed to .Internal(nchar) which requires 3
>> Cheers
>> Joris
> I'm seeing a similar problem. IIUC, the Windows binary .zip from CRAN of 
> any package using base::nchar is affected. Could someone check my answer 
> here is correct please : http://stackoverflow.com/a/32959306/403310

Nobody has posted a simple reproducible example here, so it's kind of
hard to say.

I would have guessed that a change to the internal signature of the C
code underlying nchar() wouldn't have any effect on a package that
called the R nchar() function.

When I put together my own example (a tiny package containing a function
calling nchar(), built to .zip using R 3.2.2, installed into R 3.2.0),
it confirmed my guess.

On the other hand, if some package is calling the .Internal function
directly, I'd expect that to break.  Packages shouldn't do that.

So I'd say there's been no evidence posted of a problem in R here,
though there may be problems in some of the packages involved.  I'd
welcome an example that provided some usable evidence.

Duncan Murdoch

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