[Rd] R CMD build failure

Therneau, Terry M., Ph.D. therneau at mayo.edu
Thu Jul 9 19:51:12 CEST 2015

"Depends: httr (>= 0.6), XML" in the DESCRIPTION file
"import(httr, XML)" in NAMESPACE

Per your question I just tried changing "Depends" to "Imports", it didn't make a change.

Terry T.

On 07/09/2015 12:33 PM, Hadley Wickham wrote:
> What field is httr in the DESCRIPTION?
> Hadley

> On Thu, Jul 9, 2015 at 10:26 AM, Therneau, Terry M., Ph.D.
> <therneau at mayo.edu> wrote:
>> I have a local library 'dart' that imports "httr".  It has routines that
>> access central patient data such as birth date, so it is heavily used
>> locally but of no interest to anyone else.
>> The httr library (and 300 others) are in a shared directory, referenced by
>> everyone in the biostatistics group via adding this location to the
>> .libPaths in their default .Rprofile.  (Actually, their .Rprofile starts by
>> running material from a central one, the libPaths is there).
>> When I run R (3.2.0) all is fine, but R CMD build fails with  the text below
>> * creating vignettes ... ERROR
>> Error: processing vignette 'dart.Rnw' failed with diagnostics:
>>   chunk 2 (label = auth1)
>> Error : package ‘httr’ required by ‘dart’ could not be found
>> Execution halted
>> If I add the requiste directory to my R_LIBS_USER environment variable then
>> all is fine.  However, that's a nuisance since the location changes over
>> time (e.g. R releases).  The system admins have a whole process that keeps
>> .bashrc, .Rprofle and etc dot references up to date.   Plugging into this is
>> why we use .Rprofile.  They are quite willing to make select changes in the
>> central file, but with >1000 users any suggested changes in the overall
>> process do not get a warm welcome.
>> Any ideas?  There is no mention in the Writing R Extentions manual that it
>> ignores the Rprofile file.  If "suck it up and use R_LIBS_USER" is the
>> answer, well, there are only a few who build packages.
>> PS, I can't use RHOME:/etc/Rprofile.site since the biostat group is not the
>> only set of R users.  Some other groups, for instance, cannot even see our
>> central area.
>> Terry T.
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