[Rd] Calling the original function after tweaking arguments is an incorrect use of the R-API?

Utkarsh Upadhyay musically.ut at gmail.com
Mon Oct 27 15:15:37 CET 2014


I am trying to create a small extension for R here for embedding the
current time on the R prompt:https://github.com/musically-ut/extPrompt

Things seem to be working overall, but R CMD check . raised a warning:

File '[truncated]..Rcheck/extPrompt/libs/extPrompt.so’: Found non-API call
> to R: ‘ptr_R_ReadConsole’

Compiled code should not call non-API entry points in R.

The concerned file is this:
https://github.com/musically-ut/extPrompt/blob/master/src/extPrompt.c and
occurs on line 38, I think.

void extPrompt() {
>     // Initialize the plugin by replacing the R_ReadConsole function
>     old_R_ReadConsole = ptr_R_ReadConsole;
>     ptr_R_ReadConsole = extPrompt_ReadConsole;
>     // ...
> }
> int extPrompt_ReadConsole(const char *old_prompt, unsigned char *buf, int
> len,
>          int addtohistory) {
>     // ...
>     // Call the old function with the `new_prompt`
>     return (*old_R_ReadConsole)(new_prompt, buf, len, addtohistory);
> }

I am trying to make the R_ReadConsole API call. However, since a different
plugin (like mine) could have overridden it already, I do not want to
directly invoke R_ReadConsole but the function which previously was at

Is this an incorrect use of the API?

Also, any other feedback on the plugin is also welcome.



PS: I had posted this question on StackOverflow a while back:
If I receive a response, I will update the question with the appropriate

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