[Rd] regenerate Rscript after moving R installation

Dirk Eddelbuettel edd at debian.org
Sat Sep 21 23:03:37 CEST 2013


On 21 September 2013 at 21:39, Tobias Verbeke wrote:
| The package that made me discover this was RcppEigen which has indeed

Never heard of it :)
| PKG_LIBS=`$(R_HOME)/bin/Rscript -e "Rcpp:::LdFlags()"` $(LAPACK_LIBS) $(BLAS_LIBS) $(FLIBS)
| > where a key part is the `$(R_HOME)/bin` which permits you to transparently
| > switch between R-release, R-devel, R-beforeMove, R-afterMove, R-whatevr, ...
| > simply by adjusting your shell's $PATH variable, or the R wrapper you for R
| > CMD, or ...
| > 
| > It. Just. Works.
| It is neat and certainly works, unless R is built on another location (on a build machine)
| prior to being put on its final location.
| If I read the strace output below correctly, the origin of the problem is the hardcoded
| location of the R binary.
| There is no way to build again since R itself is shipped (in a Debian/Ubuntu package
| and as part of Architect) prior to being installed and used on another computer.

I do not know what 'Architekt' is -- but maybe you just mistakenly assume
that you can mv(1) installations at will?  And maybe you can't?  Consider the

        configure --prefix=/some/location/ ...
        make install

where /some/location gets set at compile-time. 

You seem to wish it didn't.  But wishing alone may not make it so. In all
seriousness, these binaries may not be relocatable at will.

| The buildstamp that is part of the final installation path of the application is 
| generated after the R build (since R is only one component), so changing the --prefix
| on the build machine would not work (currently).
| I hope this gives more background to the question and would be curious if there are alternatives
| to rapidly regenerate the Rscript executable only.
| (My other alternative of messing with the path in a hex editor has not been successful :-)

I'd go back to rebuilding for the target location. 


Dirk Eddelbuettel | edd at debian.org | http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com

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