[Rd] appropriate work-around for problems with a specific plot device (Rstudio)?

Milan Bouchet-Valat nalimilan at club.fr
Fri Oct 25 11:19:44 CEST 2013

Le jeudi 24 octobre 2013 à 17:13 -0700, Skye Bender-deMoll a écrit :
> Dear r-devel-opers,
> I'm working on a package that does some plot-intensive work using the 
> animation library.  It turns out that this performs very badly in the 
> RStudio plot device, which is the preferred IDE for our team.  Our 
> kludgy solution is to detect if the Rstudio device is running, and if 
> so, open another plot device to do the rendering and close it when done:
> externalDevice<-FALSE
>    if (!is.function(options()$device)){
>      if (names(dev.cur())=="RStudioGD"){
>        message("RStudio's graphics device is not well supported by ndtv, 
> attempting to open another type of plot window")
>        # try to open a new platform-appropriate plot window
>        if (.Platform$OS.type=='windows'){
>          windows()
>        } else if(length(grep(R.version$platform,pattern='apple'))>0)  # 
> is it mac?
>        {
>          quartz()
>        } else {  # must be unix
>          x11()
>        }
>        externalDevice<-TRUE
>      }
>    }
> [render a whole bunch of plot frames]
> # turn off external device if using one
>    if (externalDevice){
>      dev.off()
>    }
> Although this works well for us in practice, when testing against R 
> devel, we get the following NOTE:
> * checking R code for possible problems ... NOTE
> Found an obsolete/platform-specific call in the following function:
>    ‘render.animation’
> Found the platform-specific devices:
>    ‘quartz’ ‘windows’ ‘x11’
> dev.new() is the preferred way to open a new device, in the unlikely
> event one is needed.
> Is there a better way to resolve this situation?  We can't use dev.new() 
> to open the plot device, because RStudio has set the value of 
> getOption("device") to "RStudioGD".  Can anyone recommend an alternative 
> method of generating a platform-appropriate device to open that won't 
> generate R CMD check issues?
How about temporarily changing the value of the "device" option to what
you need?

I think you should also get in touch with RStudio developers to see
whether something can be done about the poor performance.

My two cents

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