[Rd] PROTECT help

Terry Therneau therneau at mayo.edu
Tue Mar 27 15:22:38 CEST 2012

I received the following note this AM.  The problem is, I'm not quite 
sure how to fix it.
Can one use PROTECT(coxlist(eval(PROTECT.... , do I create an 
intermediate variable, or otherwise?

I'm willing to update the code if someone will give me a pointer to the 
right documentation.  This particular chunk was written when there was a 
lot of change going on in the callback mechanism and so there might be a 
safer and/or simpler and/or more standard aproach by now. The routine in 
question has to do with penalized Cox models, the C code needs to get 
the value of the penalty and the penalty is an arbitrary S expression 
passed down from top level.

Terry T


In survival_2.36-12 (and earlier), in the function cox_callback() at


the return value of the call to lang2() is vulnerable if allocations
within eval() give rise to garbage collection.

(Discovered during CXXR development.)


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