[Rd] plot.TukeyHSD prints funny main titles
Joris Meys
jorismeys at gmail.com
Mon Mar 5 09:17:44 CET 2012
if you use the plot.TukeyHSD() function with a main argument, that one
is printed over the default title 'X% family-wise confidence level'.
Try for example:
Model <- aov(count~spray,data=InsectSprays)
This doesn't happen with an xlab or ylab argument, as they give errors
due to the fact they're specified inside the function already:
function (x, ...)
for (i in seq_along(x)) {
plot(c(xi[, "lwr"], xi[, "upr"]), rep.int(yvals, 2),
type = "n", axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "", ...)
The main title and the xlab are created with the title() function
lower in the code. So to avoid a main title being specified twice, I
propose to add main="" to the plot statement quoted above.
Joris Meys
Statistical consultant
Ghent University
Faculty of Bioscience Engineering
Department of Mathematical Modelling, Statistics and Bio-Informatics
tel : +32 9 264 59 87
Joris.Meys at Ugent.be
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