[Rd] R tcltk Gui and Rpy2

branch.lizard branch.lizard at gmail.com
Sun Mar 4 06:18:26 CET 2012

I have a tcltk gui I created in R. I can open R and use the source command to
open the gui and then click buttons to perform functions. I would like to
make this a standalone program where the user does not have to open R and
type the source command to run the tcltk gui. I have a very nasty workaround
working for me which I use the R_PROFILE command to run the gui however I
would like to make the gui into a python executable program. I am very new
to python, but quite familiar with R. How does one go about doing this? I
have dabbled in Rpy2 a little and used the source command within python to
get the gui to load however it does not allow me to "click" the buttons b/c
it seems that the python script sessions closes at ""). Forgive me for my
terrible explanation of this. If you do not understand what I am asking,
please say so and I will try to provide some incite. 

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