[Rd] seeing feedback when R CMD check pkg runs unit tests.

Paul Gilbert pgilbert902 at gmail.com
Sat Mar 3 18:24:53 CET 2012

On 12-03-03 03:56 AM, Mario Frasca wrote:
> On Fri, 02 Mar 2012 12:15:48 -0500
> pgilbert902 at gmail.com (Paul Gilbert) wrote:
>> Mario
>> [...] Examples only need to run, but in tests/ you can
>> do things like
>> if( 2*2 != 4 ) stop("arithmatic is messed up.")
> problem is: when you do a stop, you stop, meaning you do not run
> subsequent tests.  the nice part of unit testing is that you have a
> complete report of all failing parts, not just the first one.

When debugging myself I use make to run the tests, then make -k runs 
them all (and make -j -k  runs them in parallel). Generally, I don't 
expect to have many errors by the time I look at R-forge results. Of 
course, not running all the tests is a pain if you have multiple 
failures and you are trying to debug for other platforms using R-forge.
> but what you write, I would translate it into:
> one script -the current one- to execute all tests (and it has to
> succeed, in the sense it has to perform all tests and say it managed to
> produce a report).
> one script -which I did not yet write- to examine the complete
> test report of the former one and inform `R CMD check` (the user)
> whether anything went wrong in the unit tests.
> WARNING would be bad enough if there are failing tests.
> do you know how I can emit a NOTE from a test script?
> I sometimes use disabled tests as a reminder of things that still have
> to be done, but if I associate them to a WARNING or ERROR, r-forge will
> not allow me to release the module.

You can use message() or cat() to put it in the R output, but I don't 
know how you would pass this back to R CMD check. If you use a make 
target to do this then you can grep the output for these messages.

>> You may be able to get similar results from RUnit or svUnit, it would
>> just be a question of passing the stop() and warnings() back to the
>> top level in the script file in tests/. If you don't do that, as you
>> observed, R CMD check thinks the unit testing worked fine, it did its
>> job and found the errors.
> exactly.  this made me thing of splitting the task in two parts.
> thanks, I will try that and come back here next week. (and document it
> on the svUnit and stack overflow sites)
>> (Happy to hear additional points of view on this, my understanding of
>> RUnit and svUnit is limited.)
> extensive unit testing lets me experiment broad internal changes.
> the xml report of svUnit, combined with jenkins, automates the boring
> part of the task. pity we still miss a coverage report.

I get most of this from the tests/ and make based system I've been using 
for many years, but the hard part is developing a comprehensive set of 
tests. Do the unit testing frameworks help with that?

> Mario

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