[Rd] Examples for performance studies

John Chambers jmc at r-project.org
Tue May 10 01:15:02 CEST 2011

A number of activities are underway related to understanding R 
performance in practice and to exploring techniques for improving 
performance generally or in important special cases.  I'm writing 
directly on behalf of an informal group centered in the Computer Science 
department here at Stanford, but also on behalf of similar activities 

We would all be helped by realistic examples of serious computations 
with R, where substantial computing is required and the results are 
important to users.  The more and the more representative the data 
available, the more likely that useful performance tools can be designed.

If you can provide us with examples that we can use and share, please 
send a description to:
   Justin Talbot <jtalbot at stanford.edu>

As examples accumulate, the plan is to make them available to the 
community---details to be worked out.

Thanks in advance,
   John Chambers

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