[Rd] Portuguese translation problem (PR#13756)

azevedofilho at usp.br azevedofilho at usp.br
Sat Jun 13 22:20:11 CEST 2009

Full_Name: Adriano Azevedo Filho
Version: 2.9.0
OS: Windows Vista
Submission from: (NULL) (

The error message produced when the function name typed in the console is
misspelled in the Portuguese translation. This is not a new issue but as it is
around for sometime I've decided to report. As this is a frequent message when
beginners start using R, it gives an unfortunate bad impression on the overall
quality of the software which is excellent.

The actual message (with the translation error) is:

Erro: não foi posssível encontrar a função "functionname"

The correct message should be:

Erro: não foi possível encontrar a função "functionname"

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