[Rd] bug involving quote(); ghost in the machine

Felix Andrews felix at nfrac.org
Mon Jan 5 11:04:40 CET 2009

Hi list(...),

I've narrowed down a weird bug. It's like a ghost in the machine, in
that functions seem to remember things that they should not be able
to. In the example below, the result of the second (and subseqent)
calls depend on what was given in the first call.

foo <- function(given = NULL) {
    callObj <- quote(callFunc())
    if (!is.null(given))
        callObj$given <- given
    if (is.null(given))
        callObj$default <- TRUE

# callFunc(default = TRUE)
foo(given = TRUE)
# callFunc(default = TRUE, given = TRUE)

Note, if the first call was something different, the result is different:

foo("blah blah")
# callFunc(given = "blah blah")
foo(given = TRUE)
# callFunc(given = TRUE)
# callFunc(given = "blah blah", default = TRUE)

So on subsequent calls, callObj is being initialised to its final
value from the first call. You can actually see this here:
# callObj <- quote(callFunc(given = "blah blah"))

The problem seems to be related to quote(callFunc()), because if you
replace it with call("callFunc"), everything works as expected:

foo.ok <- function(given = NULL) {
    callObj <- call("callFunc")
    if (!is.null(given))
        callObj$given <- given
    if (is.null(given))
        callObj$default <- TRUE

# callFunc(default = TRUE)
foo.ok(given = TRUE)
# callFunc(given = TRUE)

> sessionInfo()
R version 2.9.0 Under development (unstable) (2009-01-04 r47462)


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Felix Andrews / 安福立
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