[Rd] [Plr-general] R_CHAR + 21 (memory.c:2573) in crash report...

Joe Conway mail at joeconway.com
Sat Feb 28 02:43:15 CET 2009

Jeff Hamann wrote:
> I've been using
> this code for months now, and added another column to the type
> definition, which seemed to break something.

Undoubtedly the above has something to do with the problem, and I would 
guess the issue is in PL/R, not R.

However, in order to get to the bottom of it I'll need a self contained 
minimal test case that will reproduce the crash (i.e. related table 
definitions, some sample data, PL/R function, and other functions that 
are dependencies, sample use of said function).

If you want you can send it to me off list. In any case, please drop 
r-devel from the thread from this point forward (I only maintained the 
cross-post so they could see that I was responding).


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