[Rd] R_CHAR + 21 (memory.c:2573) in crash report...

Jeff Hamann jeff.hamann at forestinformatics.com
Sat Feb 28 00:36:16 CET 2009

I'm not sure if this is the best subject line, and I apologize in
advanced for the cross-posting, but I've been trying to get past a piece
of code for two days now, and seem to have narrowed where a show
stopping crash is occurring...

I keep getting:

psql:../sql/schedpak.sql:257: server closed the connection unexpectedly
	This probably means the server terminated abnormally
	before or while processing the request.
psql:../sql/schedpak.sql:257: connection to server was lost

Process SQL exited abnormally with code 2

when I return from a plr function:

select * from pareto_set_as_gpx( 1, 20678 );

I'm a little handicapped as I'm not used to debugging by trial and
error, and just don't know what else I can do. I've attached a crash
report, and don't know if this is a problem with the PL/R module, the
libR.dylib module, or something I'm doing incorrectly. I've been using
this code for months now, and added another column to the type
definition, which seemed to break something.

Does the following indicate that libR.dylib is causing this crash?

Thread 0 Crashed:
0   libR.dylib                    	0x015d4a35 R_CHAR + 21 (memory.c:2573)
1   plr.so                        	0x007ce329 get_frame_tuplestore + 1001
2   plr.so                        	0x007ce854 r_get_pg + 356
3   plr.so                        	0x007cc2ab plr_call_handler + 363
4   postgres                      	0x0010483a
ExecMakeTableFunctionResult + 314
5   postgres                      	0x00112dc0 FunctionNext + 128
6   postgres                      	0x00107325 ExecScan + 357
7   postgres                      	0x001129e2 ExecFunctionScan + 34
8   postgres                      	0x000ffc2f ExecProcNode + 447
9   postgres                      	0x000fd9eb ExecutorRun + 827
10  postgres                      	0x001abf5f PortalRunSelect + 655
11  postgres                      	0x001acd41 PortalRun + 433
12  postgres                      	0x001a7b45 exec_simple_query + 661
13  postgres                      	0x001a97ff PostgresMain + 4751
14  postgres                      	0x00178774 ServerLoop + 2964
15  postgres                      	0x00179798 PostmasterMain + 2760
16  postgres                      	0x0012329b main + 1227
17  postgres                      	0x00001676 start + 54

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