[Rd] Rcpp: Clarifying the meaning of GPL?

Dominick Samperi djsamperi at earthlink.net
Thu Dec 24 06:59:18 CET 2009

Jeff Ryan wrote:
> One critical aspect to this is the fact that RcppTemplate seems to
> have been where the Rcpp work moved to _before_ abandoning the Rcpp
> project.
The Rcpp package was not abandoned, it was renamed to RcppTemplate
because I thought it would be more useful for the R community to have a
complete solution to the package development problem,
not just a stand-alone library (Rcpp). The Rcpp package (not to be confused
with the Rcpp library!) forked from RcppTemplate_5.3, not Rcpp_x_x,
and RcppTemplate was in the CRAN archives the whole time (not

This explains Stavros' confusion about the naming, and it also highlights
the questions raised by Henrik. Perhaps there is a need for a package
name registrar.

> Plus, everyone benefits from competition.  And we have a good one here.
I do not think having to compete with your own work is a "good one."
I may have to rename RcppTemplate and the Rcpp library again to
something entirely different.


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