[Rd] Task View for Marketing

Charlotte Maia maiagx at gmail.com
Sun Dec 6 11:14:44 CET 2009

On Sat, Dec 5, 2009 at 4:20 PM, Achim Zeileis
<Achim.Zeileis at wu-wien.ac.at> wrote:
> Charlotte:
>> I was wondering if a task view for marketing would be a good idea????
> Maybe, do you want to volunteer to maintain it?
>> I realise that it would have some overlap with other task views.
>> Social science, cluster and multivariate are the most obvious ones.
> Yes. I'm not sure how a new "Marketing" view would fit in the mix but maybe
> you have some more precise ideas.
> If you would be willing to write such a view and maintain it in the future,
> then I suggest that you put together a list of packages and some rough ideas
> for text and how the marketing view would add to the views named above. Send
> me the ideas (off-list) and then we can decide whether to go on or not.
> Thanks for the suggestion.
> Best,
> Z


I'm really honoured by the mere notion that I could ever maintain a
CRAN task view.
However honestly, I doubt that I have sufficient expertise for such a role.

I will investigate the idea of a marketing view further, and if
appropriate, get back to you.
In the meantime, if others are interested...?

kind regards
Charlotte Maia

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