[Rd] Linux installation

Sklyar, Oleg (MI London) osklyar at maninvestments.com
Fri May 9 10:20:11 CEST 2008


1) this IS a wrong list for such questions. You mention r-help, but this
is Rd (developers) and your question is completely unrelated to the
topics of the list!
2) In Linux, any time you want to compile anything against anything and
using binary distributions you need *-devel or *-dev packages depending
on the distribution. Even if it is not mentioned anywhere, it is
actually how all Linux binary distributions are maintained. What those
*-devel contain are actually *.h files.
3) Install R from source and you will have no issues.


Dr Oleg Sklyar
Technology Group
Man Investments Ltd
+44 (0)20 7144 3803
osklyar at maninvestments.com 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: r-devel-bounces at r-project.org 
> [mailto:r-devel-bounces at r-project.org] On Behalf Of Michael 
> Steinbeck-Reeves
> Sent: 08 May 2008 16:39
> To: r-devel at r-project.org
> Subject: [Rd] Linux installation
> I have just installed R under Linux and had a tricky time 
> finding out that I needed to install r-devel as it was not 
> suggested by yum and does not appear in any of the FAQs. 
> Everything was fine until I tried to install tseries then I 
> was told in the compiler output that R.h was missing. 
> Obviously a search on Google proved fruitless and I was 
> forced to ask on r-help. I am now kicking myself, of course, 
> but wouldn't it be a useful addition to the R installation 
> FAQs, especially for those not acquainted with the C compiler output?
> Thanks,
> Michael
> --
> ------------------------
> Michael Steinbeck-Reeves
> www.steinbeck-reeves.co.uk
> Work   +44(0)1256 886190
> Mobile +44(0)7785 277413
> Milton House
> Stratfield Saye
> Berkshire
> RG7 2BT
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