[Rd] Posting Guide - help.request() function?

Dr Heather Turner Heather.Turner at warwick.ac.uk
Mon Jun 9 18:21:17 CEST 2008

Thanks for the helpful tips and suggestions, I'll work them in. You get 
local versions of the documents on Unix too - RShowDoc() will do the trick.

I'll post an updated version in due course,


Gabor Grothendieck wrote:
> That's an excellent idea.
> One other item that could be checkable would
> be if the user has the most recent versions of the packages involved
> in the query.    Perhaps it could display the unupdated packages
> and ask the user if any of those are involved in the query.
> Probably needs to give fair warning that it is sending
> off an email so people don't wind up sending out emails when they
> are really just trying out the system.  Probably "none" should be the
> default for email so that its not regarded as obnoxious.
> Might be nice if it used local versions of documents if they exist
> locally.  On Windows they do.
> Check out ?getRversion
> On Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 10:35 AM, Dr Heather Turner
> <Heather.Turner at warwick.ac.uk> wrote:
>> Whilst it is a good idea to improve the posting guide, it seems to me that
>> it would be useful to have a function along the lines of bug.report(), to
>> help a potential questioner make sure they have done their homework and have
>> the relevant information to put into a post to R-help.
>> Even those of us who know what ought to go into a post can sometimes forget
>> to check something obvious - I recently got caught out by not checking an
>> error was reproducible in the patched version for example.
>> So I have written a help.request() function (see below), which
>> - prompts the user to check the relevant resources, stopping and opening the
>> relevant url where necessary
>> - checks their R version is up-to-date (in a rather messy way - please
>> suggest improvements!)
>> - prompts them to prepare appropriate example code and test it in a fresh R
>> session
>> - prompts them to give a meaningful subject line
>> - automatically adds system info to the post (as in bug.report)
>> - sends the message for them (ensuring a fresh thread is started)
>> Is this an idea worth taking further? I would be happy to make improvements
>> as suggested and write a help file if so.
>> Heather
>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>> help.request <- function (subject = "",
>>                          ccaddress = Sys.getenv("USER"),
>>                          method = getOption("mailer"),
>>                          address = "r-help at R-project.org",
>>                          file = "R.help.request")
>> {
>>    no <- function(answer) answer == "n"
>>    yes <- function(answer) answer == "y"
>>    go <- function(url) {
>>        cat("Please do this first - the site has been loaded in your web
>> browser\n")
>>        browseURL(url)
>>    }
>>    cat("Checklist:\n")
>>    post <- readline("Have you read the posting guide? (y/n) ")
>>    if (no(post)) return(go("http://www.r-project.org/posting-guide.html"))
>>    FAQ <- readline("Have you checked the FAQ? (y/n) ")
>>    if (no(FAQ)) return(go("http://cran.r-project.org/faqs.html"))
>>    intro <- readline("Have you checked An Introduction to R? (y/n) ")
>>    if (no(intro))
>> return(go("http://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/R-intro.html"))
>>    NEWS <- readline("Have you checked the NEWS of the latest development
>> release? (y/n) ")
>>    if (no(NEWS)) return(go("https://svn.r-project.org/R/trunk/NEWS"))
>>    rsitesearch <- readline("Have you looked on RSiteSearch? (y/n) ")
>>    if (no(rsitesearch)) {
>>        cat("Please do this first - the site has been loaded in your web
>> browser\n")
>>        return(RSiteSearch(subject))
>>    }
>>    inf <- sessionInfo()
>>    if ("otherPkgs" %in% names(inf)){
>>        other <- readline("You have packages other than the base packages
>> loaded.",
>>                          "\nIf your query relates to one of these, have you
>> ",
>>                          "checked any corresponding books/manuals \nand ",
>>                          "considered contacting the package maintainer?
>> (y/n/NA) ")
>>        if(no(other)) return("Please do this first.")
>>    }
>>    man <- url("http://cran.r-project.org/manuals.html")
>>    ver <- scan(man, what = character(0), sep = "\n", skip = 13, nlines = 1,
>> quiet = TRUE)
>>    major <- as.numeric(substr(ver, start = 18, stop = 18))
>>    minor <- as.numeric(substr(ver, start = 20, stop = 22))
>>    if (major < as.numeric(R.Version()$major) ||
>>        minor < as.numeric(R.Version()$major)) {
>>        update <- readline("Your R version is out-of-date, would you like to
>> update now? (y/n) ")
>>        if (yes(update)) {
>>            return(go(getOption("repos")))
>>        }
>>    }
>>    ## To get long prompt!
>>    cat("Have you written example code that is\n",
>>        "- minimal\n - reproducible\n - self-contained\n - commented",
>>        "\nusing data that is either\n",
>>        "- constructed by the code\n - loaded by data()\n",
>>        "- reproduced using dump(\"mydata\", file = \"\")\n")
>>    code <- readline(paste("have you checked this code in a fresh R session",
>>                           "\n(invoking R with the --vanilla option if
>> possible)",
>>                           "\nand is this code copied to the clipboard? (y/n)
>> "))
>>    if (no(code))
>>        return(cat("\nIf your query is not directly related to code",
>>               "(e.g. a general query \nabout R's capabilities),",
>>               "email R-help at r-project.org directly. ",
>>               "\nOtherwise prepare some example code first.\n"))
>>    change <- readline(paste("Would you like to change your subject line:\n",
>>                             subject, "\nto something more meaningful? (y/n)
>> "))
>>    if (yes(change))
>>        subject <- readline("Enter subject: \n")
>>    methods <- c("mailx", "gnudoit", "none", "ess")
>>    method <- if (is.null(method))
>>        "none"
>>    else methods[pmatch(method, methods)]
>>    body <- paste("\\n<<Write your query here, using your example code to
>> illustrate>>",
>>                  "\\n<<End with your name and affiliation>>\\n\\n\\n\\n",
>>                  "--please do not edit the information below--\\n\\n",
>>                  "Version:\\n ", paste(names(R.version), R.version, sep = "
>> = ",
>>                                        collapse = "\\n "), if
>> (nzchar(Sys.getenv("R_GUI_APP_VERSION")))
>>                  paste("\\n\\nGUI:\\n R-GUI ",
>> Sys.getenv("R_GUI_APP_VERSION"),
>>                        " (", Sys.getenv("R_GUI_APP_REVISION"), ")",
>>                        sep = "")
>>                                        else "", "\\n\\n", "Locale:\\n",
>> Sys.getlocale(), "\\n\\n",
>>                  "Search Path:\\n ", paste(search(), collapse = ", "),
>>                  "\\n", sep = "", collapse = "")
>>    if (method == "gnudoit") {
>>        cmd <- paste("gnudoit -q '", "(mail nil \"", address,
>>                     "\")", "(insert \"", body, "\")", "(search-backward
>> \"Subject:\")",
>>                     "(end-of-line)'", sep = "")
>>        system(cmd)
>>    }
>>    else if (method == "none") {
>>        disclaimer <- paste("# Your mailer is set to \"none\" (default on
>> Windows),\n",
>>            "# hence we cannot send the help request directly from R.\n",
>>            "# Please copy the help request (after finishing it) to\n",
>>            "# your favorite email program and send it to\n#\n",
>>            "#       ", address, "\n#\n",
>> "######################################################\n",
>>            "\n\n", sep = "")
>>        cat(disclaimer, file = file)
>>        body <- gsub("\\\\n", "\n", body)
>>        cat(body, file = file, append = TRUE)
>>        cat("Please edit the help request.\n")
>>        system(paste(getOption("editor"), file))
>>        cat("The unsent help request can be found in file", file,
>>            "\n")
>>    }
>>    else if (method == "mailx") {
>>        if (missing(subject))
>>            stop("'subject' missing")
>>        body <- gsub("\\\\n", "\n", body)
>>        cat(body, file = file, append = FALSE)
>>        cat("Please edit the help request.\n")
>>        system(paste(getOption("editor"), file))
>>        if (is.character(ccaddress) && nzchar(ccaddress)) {
>>            cmdargs <- paste("-s '", subject, "' -c", ccaddress,
>>                address, "<", file, "2>/dev/null")
>>        }
>>        else cmdargs <- paste("-s '", subject, "'", address,
>>            "<", file, "2>/dev/null")
>>        status <- 1
>>        cat("Submit the help request? ")
>>        answer <- readline()
>>        answer <- grep("y", answer, ignore.case = TRUE)
>>        if (length(answer) > 0) {
>>            cat("Sending email ...\n")
>>            status <- system(paste("mailx", cmdargs))
>>            if (status > 0)
>>                status <- system(paste("Mail", cmdargs))
>>            if (status > 0)
>>                status <- system(paste("/usr/ucb/mail", cmdargs))
>>            if (status == 0)
>>                unlink(file)
>>            else {
>>                cat("Sending email failed!\n")
>>                cat("The unsent help request can be found in file",
>>                  file, "\n")
>>            }
>>        }
>>        else cat("The unsent help request can be found in file",
>>            file, "\n")
>>    }
>>    else if (method == "ess") {
>>        body <- gsub("\\\\n", "\n", body)
>>        cat(body)
>>    }
>> }
>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Gabor Grothendieck wrote:
>>> Here is another update.  I have added the following:
>>> - info about using a fresh R session.  (In that case ls() output is less
>>>  essential; however, the developers of sessionInfo() might consider
>>>  adding that as a default or as an option.)
>>> - questioner should consider use of functions.
>>> - for data use dump(x, file = "") to reproducibly display data or use
>>>  builtin datasets listed by data()
>>> - minimal versions of slow code should be presented in cases where
>>>  questioner is looking for faster code.
>>> - we still need to add links to illustrative sample questions in r-help
>>> The following were not added for the reason cited:
>>> - guide is not just for questioners.  Important to distinguish roles
>>>  of questioner, responder and reader.
>>> - what is to be provided ought to be given a name to make it easier
>>>  to refer to.  An unlabelled set of points is too vague.  Test
>>>  framework seems appropriately descriptive.  By giving it a name
>>>  one can request that a questioner "provide a test framework as
>>>  defined in the posting guide summary".
>>> - self contained is not implied by reproducible.  Reproducible
>>>  only means that info is available somewhere -- not that its all
>>>  available right in the questioner's post and all in a manner that
>>>  is readily accessible.
>>> - focus should be on making data minimal.  Don't like attachments
>>>  since responder must save them and read them in.  It encourages
>>>  use of large rather than minimal data sets.
>>> Summary
>>> Surprisingly, the main problem for responders is not to answer the
>>> question but to quickly figure out what the question is, reproduce it
>>> in their own R session and test their answer.
>>> Test Framework.  To faciliate this provide a test framework of:
>>>  (1) minimal reproducible self-contained commented code and data
>>>      that has been run in a fresh R session.  That means code and
>>>      data have been cut down as far as possible to the essentials
>>>      needed to illustrate the problem and were run are just after
>>>          starting up R.  Also it means that its possible for responders
>>>      to just copy the code and data section from the questioner's
>>>      post to the clipboard and paste it into their session to see
>>>      the same output without having to enter even one R command.
>>>      In some cases there may be an advantage to present the code as
>>>      a function and in the case of needing a speedup be sure to post
>>>      a minimal version of the slow code.  Use builtin data sets such
>>>      as those listed by data() to illustrate problem or reduce your
>>>      data to a minimum and present it reproducibly by using:
>>>         dump("mydata", file = "")
>>>  (2) comments/explanation of what the code is intended to produce
>>>          -- Don't assume its obvious!
>>>  (3) versions of all software used, e.g. sessionInfo(),
>>>          or R.version.string; packageDescription("zoo")$Version
>>> Without self-contained reproducible code the responder must not only
>>> understand the question but must also create a test framework and that
>>> typically takes more time than answering the question!  Its not fair
>>> to ask the responder to provide all that on top of answering the
>>> question.  Do NOT assume the problem is so simple that it is not
>>> necessary.
>>> Effort. The effort taken to reduce the problem to its essentials and
>>> produce a test framework often solves the problem avoiding the need
>>> for a post in the first place.  It at the least shows that the
>>> questioner tried to solve it themself.
>>> Subscribers.  The questioner should ensure that the thread is complete
>>> and that it has an appropriate Subject.  The purpose of the post is
>>> not only to help the questioner but also the other list subscribers
>>> and those later searching the archives.
>>> On Sat, Jun 7, 2008 at 9:38 AM, Gabor Grothendieck
>>> <ggrothendieck at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Here is a second version of the summary.  Its been rearranged to
>>>> place most important info at top.  Also shortened it a bit.
>>>> It still needs links to example posts, as suggested.  Anyone?
>>>> Summary
>>>> Surprisingly, the main problem for responders is not to answer the
>>>> posted questions but to quickly figure out what the question is,
>>>> reproduce
>>>> it in their own R session and test their answer.
>>>> Test Framework.  To faciliate that provide a test framework of:
>>>>  (1) reproducible self-contained minimal code and data.  That means
>>>>     responders can copy it from the questioner's post and paste it
>>>>     into their session to see the same output without having to
>>>>     enter even one R command.
>>>>     NB. dput(mydata) produces mydata in reproducible form.
>>>>  (2) comments/explanations of what the code is intended to produce and
>>>>  (3) versions of all software used, e.g. sessionInfo().
>>>> Without self-contained reproducible code the responder must not only
>>>> understand the question but must also create a test framework and that
>>>> typically takes more time than answering the question!  Its not fair
>>>> to ask the responder to provide all that on top of answering the
>>>> question.  Do NOT assume the problem is so simple that it is not
>>>> necessary.
>>>> Effort. The effort taken to reduce the problem to its essentials and
>>>> produce a test framework often solves the problem avoiding the need
>>>> for a post in the first place.  It at the least shows that the
>>>> questioner tried to solve it themself.
>>>> Subscribers.  The questioner should ensure that the thread is complete
>>>> and that it has an appropriate Subject.  The purpose of the post is
>>>> not only to help the questioner but also the other list subscribers
>>>> and those later searching the archives.
>>>> On Fri, Jun 6, 2008 at 1:30 PM, Gabor Grothendieck
>>>> <ggrothendieck at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> People read the posting guide yet they are still unable to create an
>>>>> acceptable
>>>>> post. e.g.
>>>>> https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2008-June/164092.html
>>>>> I think the problem is that the guide is not clear or concise enough.
>>>>> I suggest we add a summary at the beginning which gets to the heart
>>>>> of what a poster is expected to provide:
>>>>> Summary
>>>>> To maximize your change of getting a response when posting provide (1)
>>>>> commented,
>>>>> (2) minimal, (3) self-contained and (4) reproducible code.  (This one
>>>>> line summary
>>>>> also appears at the end of each message to r-help.)
>>>>> "Self-contained" and "reproducible" mean that a responder can copy the
>>>>> questioner's code to
>>>>> the clipboard, paste it into their R session and see the same problem
>>>>> you as the questioner
>>>>> see.  Note that dput(mydata) will display mydata in a reproducible way.
>>>>> Self-contained and reproducible are needed because:
>>>>> (1) Self-Effort. It shows that the questioner tried to solve the
>>>>> problem by themself first.
>>>>> (2) Test framework. Often the responder needs to play with the code a
>>>>> bit in order to respond
>>>>> or at least to give the best answer.  They can't do that without a
>>>>> test framework that includes
>>>>> the data and the code to run it and its not fair to ask them to not
>>>>> only answer the question but
>>>>> also to come up with test data and to complete incomplete code.
>>>>> (3) Archives. Questions and answers go into the archives so they are
>>>>> not only for the benefit of
>>>>> of the questioner but also for the benefit of all future searchers of
>>>>> the archive.  That means
>>>>> that its not finished if you have solved the problem for yourself.
>>>>> You still need to ensure that
>>>>> the thread has a complete solution. (For that reason its also
>>>>> important to give a meaningful
>>>>> subject to each post.)
>>>>> "Commented" and "minimal" also reduce the time it takes to understand
>>>>> the problem.
>>>>> Don't just dump your code as is into the message since you are just
>>>>> wasting your own
>>>>> time. Its not likely anyone will answer a message if the questioner
>>>>> has not taken the
>>>>> time to reduce it to its essential elements.  Surprisingly, quite
>>>>> often understanding what
>>>>> the problem is takes the responder most of the time -- not solving the
>>>>> problem. Once the
>>>>> question is actually understood its often quite fast to answer.  Thus
>>>>> in addition to posting
>>>>> it in a minimal form, comment on it sufficiently so that the responder
>>>>> knows what the code
>>>>> does and is intended to produce.  It may be obvious to the questioner
>>>>> who is embroiled in
>>>>> the problem but that does not mean its obvious to others.
>>>>> Introduction
>>>>> .... rest of posting guide ...
>>> ______________________________________________
>>> R-devel at r-project.org mailing list
>>> https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-devel
>> --
>> Dr H Turner
>> Research Fellow
>> Dept. of Statistics
>> The University of Warwick
>> Coventry
>> CV4 7AL
>> Tel: 024 76575870
>> Fax: 024 76524532
>> Url: www.warwick.ac.uk/go/heatherturner

Dr H Turner
Research Fellow
Dept. of Statistics
The University of Warwick

Tel: 024 76575870
Fax: 024 76524532
Url: www.warwick.ac.uk/go/heatherturner

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