[Rd] graphics::Axis loosing S3/S4 class attributes of 'x' in 2.7.0 RC

Gabor Grothendieck ggrothendieck at gmail.com
Tue Apr 22 16:06:46 CEST 2008

On Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 9:24 AM, Duncan Murdoch <murdoch at stats.uwo.ca> wrote:
> On 4/22/2008 9:08 AM, Sklyar, Oleg (MI London) wrote:
> > Duncan,
> >
> > looking further, what has changed from 2.6.2 into 2.7.0 are the
> > following two lines in plot.default, which I think were logical before
> > and are not really logical now:
> I believe it is behaving as documented now, so the behaviour is
> "logical", even if it may not be convenient.  In your example
> x = Sys.time() + runif(100,1,7200) ## time over two hours, POSIXct
> plot(x, 1:100)
> plot(1:100, x)
> the 1st works in 2.6.2 and 2.7.0 and the second only works in 2.6.2.
> But the change below was designed to fix the case
> plot(x)

In what sense is plot(x) "fixed"?  When I try it I get numbers on both axes --
times on neither.   Clearly Axis should not behave in a way which effectively
makes it useless and breaks reasonable old code.

> R.version.string
[1] "R version 2.7.0 RC (2008-04-17 r45367)"

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