[Rd] Couldn't (and shouldn't) is.unsorted() be faster?

Bill Dunlap bill at insightful.com
Thu Apr 17 21:26:12 CEST 2008

On Thu, 17 Apr 2008, Herve Pages wrote:

> Couldn't is.unsorted() bail out immediately here (after comparing
> the first 2 elements):
>  > x <- 20000000:1
>  > system.time(is.unsorted(x), gcFirst=TRUE)
>     user  system elapsed
>    0.084   0.040   0.124
>  > x <- 200000000:1
>  > system.time(is.unsorted(x), gcFirst=TRUE)
>     user  system elapsed
>    0.772   0.440   1.214

The C code does bail out upon seeing the first out- of-order pair, but
before calling the C code, the S code does any(is.na(x)), forcing a
scan of the entire data.  If you remove the is.na calls from
is.unsorted's S code you will see the timings improve in your example.
(It looks easy to do the NA checks in the C code.)

   is.unsorted.no.nacheck <- function (x, na.rm = FALSE) {
       if (is.null(x))
       if (!is.atomic(x))
   > x <- 20000000:1
   > system.time(is.unsorted(x), gcFirst=TRUE)
   user  system elapsed
     0.356   0.157   0.514
   > system.time(is.unsorted.no.nacheck(x), gcFirst=TRUE)
   user  system elapsed
      0       0       0
   > revx <- rev(x)
   > system.time(is.unsorted(revx), gcFirst=TRUE)
      user  system elapsed
     0.500   0.170   0.672
   > system.time(is.unsorted.no.nacheck(revx),gcFirst=TRUE)
      user  system elapsed
     0.131   0.000   0.132

Bill Dunlap
Insightful Corporation
bill at insightful dot com

 "All statements in this message represent the opinions of the author and do
 not necessarily reflect Insightful Corporation policy or position."

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