[Rd] Overriding axis formatting with custom Axis method, Axis.numeric etc

Gabor Grothendieck ggrothendieck at gmail.com
Mon Apr 7 14:09:11 CEST 2008

Try this:

Axis.AsIs = AxisFUN = function(x=NULL, at=NULL, ..., side,
labels=TRUE) {
   if (is.null(at)) at = pretty(x)
   axis(at=at, ..., side=side, labels=labels, col="red", lwd=5)


On Mon, Apr 7, 2008 at 7:22 AM, Sklyar, Oleg (MI London)
<osklyar at maninvestments.com> wrote:
> Dear list:
> I would like to override the default way R formats plot axes with a
> custom method(s). Obviously I would prefer to define it as general as
> possible avoiding writing a custom method for each individual class
> where possible.
> The plot.default method (and I assume other methods as well) calls
> Axis(...) to produce the axis layout depending on data. In this sense it
> seems reasonable to (re)define Axis methods rather than change plot
> methods (which are impossible to control as there can be too many custom
> ones).
> Now my question is how can I redefine Axis that it is automatically
> called by plot.default and other plot methods? Or which Axis-method
> signatures are already defined that I should redefine?
> What I have succeeded so far was defining Axis.numeric and Axis.myClass,
> which are called by default if I supply data of class numeric or
> myClass. For example, a simple code like
> Axis.numeric = AxisFUN = function(x=NULL, at=NULL, ..., side,
> labels=TRUE) {
>    if (is.null(at)) at = pretty(x)
>    axis(at=at, ..., side=side, labels=labels, col="red", lwd=5)
> }
> run with plot(1:5,1:5) will format both axes red.
> However, if I execute it with plot(1:5) only x axis plotting is
> intercepted leaving y at default formatting although it is also numeric.
> Why and what should I define to intercept for plotting the y axis or for
> plotting axes in boxplot etc. Simply importing and overriding Axis as
> function does not bring anything, it wouldn't get called.
> Also I was not able to use S4 methods to redefine Axis. Overriding it
> with the code from above using any of the following signatures also
> didn't work for me - they are simply ignored:
> setGeneric("Axis")
> setMethod("Axis", signature(x="missing",at="numeric"), AxisFUN)
> setMethod("Axis", signature(x="numeric",at="missing"), AxisFUN)
> setMethod("Axis", signature(x="missing",at="ANY"), AxisFUN)
> setMethod("Axis", signature(x="ANY",at="missing"), AxisFUN)
> setMethod("Axis", signature(x="ANY",at="ANY"), AxisFUN)
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Oleg
> Dr Oleg Sklyar
> Technology Group
> Man Investments Ltd
> +44 (0)20 7144 3803
> osklyar at maninvestments.com
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