[Rd] Wishlist: Sweave: allow line breaks after forward slashes (PR#9444)

Duncan Murdoch murdoch at stats.uwo.ca
Tue Jan 16 05:22:45 CET 2007

On 1/15/2007 5:43 PM, Arne Henningsen wrote:
> On Monday, 15. January 2007 18:44, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
>> On 1/15/2007 11:23 AM, Arne Henningsen wrote:
>>> On Friday, 12. January 2007 11:39, you wrote:
>>>> [...]
>>>> I think you misunderstood me, given the "long answer".
>>> Indeed, I misunderstood you.
>>>> We haven't
>>>> changed the way deparse() handles "/". The solution in R-devel is given
>>>> below.
>>> I prefer to use "keep.source=FALSE", because I generally like that Sweave
>>> takes the job to format the code chunks. Therefore, it would be great if
>>> Sweave is allowed to introduce line breaks after forward slashes, e.g. if
>>> deparse() adds a blank after a forward slash.
>>> Please move this wish from "wishlst-fulfilled" to "wishlst".
>> I don't think so.  If I thought it was a reasonable request, I'd do
>> that, but it's not.  You have a perfectly general solution to your
>> problem.  
> However, setting "keep.source = FALSE" has (IMHO) one major advantage:
> I can easily (and globally) change the width of the code chunks by "options( 
> width = XXX )", e.g. if I change the paper size, the margins or the font 
> size. With "keep.source = TRUE", I would have to reformat all code chunks by 
> hand and I generally prefer that my software (LaTeX, Sweave) does this task 
> for me. Hence,  "keep.source = TRUE" is not a "perfectly general solution" 
> (at least) for me.

No, you would only have to reformat the one code chunk where you set 
keep.source = TRUE.  It doesn't need to be a global option.

>> The fact that it isn't the one you want doesn't mean it needs 
>> to be listed as an outstanding issue in the bug reporting system.
> Okay. Where can I list "minor" wishes?

On your to-do list?

Duncan Murdoch

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