[Rd] newline with cell of Excel worksheet created with write.xls

Mark W Kimpel mwkimpel at gmail.com
Mon Feb 12 17:37:59 CET 2007


I agree, I wasn't sure whether to put this stuff on-list or not. I have 
seen some people request that things NOT be taken of list because then 
the answers are not available to everybody. Let's solve some of these 
issues ourselves (I am willing to help) and, if appropriate, repost the 
solutions or additional functionality to the list.


Hans-Peter wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> You need a character vector or a data.frame for separate rows. Something 
> like:
> longtext <- 'akdf kadfö \nkad flkdöflkadfk dafk \nlakdf
> kdjfkjdfkjadfk\njadfkjdflk adf'
> (rowtext <- as.data.frame( strsplit( longtext, split = "\n" )) )
> may do this.
> Regards,
> Hans-Peter
> PS: Probably not so appropriate for the R-devel list either...
> 2007/2/9, Mark W Kimpel <mwkimpel at gmail.com>:
>> As part of my project to put different types of results into worksheets,
>> I would like to be able to put an auto-generated methods section. If I
>> compose in RWinEdt, read into R, and use write.table with a .txt file
>> extension, what I get out has line-breaks that correspond to those I put
>> in in the first place.
>> If I do the same thing but write.xls with .xls extention, I get an Excel
>>   worksheet with the entire paragraph on one line (row). It seems to me
>> that Excel uses a special character for new-lines (new-rows). Is there a
>> way that write.xls could convert \n to this special character?
>> I'm  writing lots of posts on this, but trying to break up the subjects
>> to create better threads.
>> Mark
>> -- 
>> Mark W. Kimpel MD
>> Neuroinformatics
>> Department of Psychiatry
>> Indiana University School of Medicine

Mark W. Kimpel MD
Department of Psychiatry
Indiana University School of Medicine

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