[Rd] SEXP i/o, .Call(), and garbage collection.

K. B. Udaya ubk2101 at columbia.edu
Thu Feb 1 19:22:41 CET 2007

Apologies for any obtuseness in the following.  We have been working
on Version 2.0 of the randomSurvivalForest CRAN package and we're
encountering a perplexing 'memory not mapped' segfault that we believe
is "influenced" by GC.

We essentially have two R functions, rsf.default(..), and
predict.rsf(..) and two corresponding entry points, rsfGrow(...), and
rsfPredict(...), into our C library.  These entry points are
implemented via the .Call(...) interface.  Inputs to the C code are
vectors of integers and reals in the form of SEXP pointers, and the
outputs for both .Call(...)'s is a SEXP list containing vectors of
integers and reals.

rsf.default(...)  grows a forest of binary trees given survival data,
and predict.rsf(...) takes the forest output from rsf.default(...) and
uses it to predict with a new data set.

Things go fine until we put the system under stress.  We can grow
repeatedly without issues, and predict repeatedly without issues,
using a loop to stress the system.  We detect no memory leaks, and C
stack usage is stable.

However, when we grow and predict alternately within the same loop we
encounter a segfault, randomly in the R functions.  The segfault can
occur after hundreds of iterations, but when gctorture is true, the
segfault usually occurs much sooner.

In the C code, we protect all incoming SEXP objects, though we don't
believe it is necessary for function arguments.  The output objects
are of course protected, and all are balanced with unprotect

Within the C code, we manage our own memory using malloc(...) and
free(...).  We detect no memory leaks, and our experience has been
that they are relatively easy to detect under stress given the large
memory imprint our data structures typically have.  Stack usage using
Cstack_info() is stable.

For clarity, pseudo code for the trivial stress loop is as follows:

formula = as.formula(Survrsf(time,status)~.))
data(veteran, package="randomSurvivalForest")

for (i in 1:1000) {
  growObject = rsf.default(formula, veteran)
  predictObject = rsf.predict(growObject, veteran)

On single iterations, we have carefully examined the output of each
function for coherency.  All vectors are initialized and populated
with valid data.  We can grow repeatedly or predict repeatedly.
However, when the two functions are combined in the same loop, we
consistently segfault with 'memory not mapped' in either R function,
usually in some seemingly random and benign location.  For example:

Growing using  logrank , Iteration  253  ...

*** caught segfault ***
address 0x7dbdda88, cause 'memory not mapped'

1: as.vector(x[, i])
2: as.data.frame.matrix(model.matrix(as.formula(paste("~ -1 +",
paste(c(fNames[1:2], predTempNames), collapse = "+"))), data))
3: as.data.frame(model.matrix(as.formula(paste("~ -1 +",
paste(c(fNames[1:2],     predTempNames), collapse = "+"))), data))
4: rsf.default(formula = formula, data = dataSet, ntree, mtry,
nodesize,     splitrule = splitrule[j], importance = importance,
forest = forest,     do.trace = do.trace, proximity = proximity, ntime
= ntime,     seed = seed, add.noise = add.noise, predictorWt =
5: rsf(formula = formula, data = dataSet, ntree, mtry, nodesize,
splitrule = splitrule[j], importance = importance, forest = forest,
 do.trace = do.trace, proximity = proximity, ntime = ntime,     seed =
seed, add.noise = add.noise, predictorWt = predictorWt)
6: eval.with.vis(expr, envir, enclos)
7: eval.with.vis(ei, envir)
8: source("stress.R")

We see that we are in the grow phase in the above segfault, that does
not depend on any output SEXP objects that may potentially be corrupt.
 However, the creation of SEXP objects (in the predict call) appears
to be a necessary condition for failure.

We are wondering if there is something fundamentally missing in our
understanding of the interaction between R and C via SEXP objects,
memory allocation, persistency, and any potential garbage collection
that may be occurring.  Any comments would be greatly appreciated.

Our environment is as follows, though we have seen the same behaviour
on an SGI Altix system, a Mac OS X (Intel) system, and with R 2.3.0:

platform       powerpc-apple-darwin8.8.0
arch           powerpc
os             darwin8.8.0
system         powerpc, darwin8.8.0
major          2
minor          4.1
year           2006
month          12
day            18
svn rev        40228
language       R
version.string R version 2.4.1 (2006-12-18)


ubk2101 at columbia.edu

Udaya B. Kogalur, Ph.D.
Kogalur Shear Corporation
5425 Nestleway Drive, Suite L1
Clemmons, NC 27012

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