[Rd] wishlist: additional argument in R_tryEval (Rinternals.h)

Thomas Friedrichsmeier thomas.friedrichsmeier at ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Sat Apr 7 15:07:35 CEST 2007

On Saturday 07 April 2007 00:39, Luke Tierney wrote:
> Even though it isn't officially part of the API it has seen some use
> so I'd prefer not to change the interface; instead add
> SEXP R_tryEvalWithVis(SEXP e, SEXP env, int *ErrorOccurred, int *visible);
> or something along those lines and define R_tryEval internally in
> terms of that.

Note that R_ToplevelExec() is available in Rinternals.h (IIRC since 2.4.0), so 
it's no longer really necessary to add more R_trySomething() functions. 
Embedding applications can simply roll their own safe wrappers around those C 
functions that they need.

An R_evalWithVis() in the C headers would be very helpful, indeed, though.

> It may be worth thinking a bit more though to see if there is
> something else that might be useful at this point.  I vaguely recall
> thinking recently about needing something else of this flavor but I
> can't seem to remember what it was exactly -- will try to see if I can
> recall.

Perhaps access to parse (syntax) errors? For me it's the one other thing that 
is missing most dearly while trying to write a frontend.

See also wishes #9466 and #9467 (but I'm starting to sound like an old broken 
record in mentioning these two over and over again, so I'll better shut up, 

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