[Rd] 'R CMD config' doesn't work on Windows

Seth Falcon sfalcon at fhcrc.org
Thu May 18 05:29:01 CEST 2006

Duncan Murdoch <murdoch at stats.uwo.ca> writes:
> What is "config"?  

    Usage: R CMD config [options] [VAR]
    Get the value of a basic R configure variable VAR which must be
    among those listed in the 'Variables' section below, or the header
    and library flags necessary for linking against R.

> On Windows, it's assumed to be a Perl script stored in RHOME/bin and
> as the message says, there's no such thing.

I guess this is a feature request then :-(
Any Perl experts keen on translating the shell script that does R CMD
config?  I assume that is more or less what would be required.

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