[Rd] NAMESPACE Q: does import as exist?

Duncan Murdoch murdoch at stats.uwo.ca
Wed Feb 8 13:08:23 CET 2006

On 2/7/2006 9:10 PM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
> On 2/7/2006 8:48 PM, Seth Falcon wrote:
>> Is there a way to rename a function when importing it?  I want to say,
>> "import yourFunc from Foo as myFunc" in the NAMESPACE file.  
>> Does this exist and I've missed it?  If it doesn't exist, would others
>> think it useful (and possible)?
> I don't know if that exists, but importing it and then copying it should 
> work.  That is, in your namespace import foo, and export bar, and in one 
> of your R source files have
> bar <- foo

There may be a disadvantage to this if you have a saved image of the 
function -- the current one will be saved, not the one that gets a bug 
fixed next week.  Or maybe it's okay, I don't know.  I think a way 
around that problem would be

delayedAssign("bar", foo)

which won't actually do the copying until the first use of bar.

As Romain said, if there are multiple foo functions around, just qualify 
the name before importing.

Duncan Murdoch

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