[Rd] Rigroup external package ready to go but no incoming at ftp site
Kevin B. Hendricks
kevin.hendricks at sympatico.ca
Fri Aug 4 00:46:27 CEST 2006
Thanks to lots of help and hints, I now have a working validated
external version of all of the igroup functions. The source Package
is called Rigroup_0.80.0.tar.gz and it passes R CMD check of my Linux
box and will install and pass all tests on my Mac OSX(Intel and PPC)
machines and my Linux boxes
(Fedora Core 5). I would like a Windows user to build and install it
if there are any volunteers. The code include test cases and has
been modified to handle localizations, includes full man Rd files,
uses a NAMESPACE, etc.
So I think I am ready to upload it but following the instructions in
say to ftp to ftp.ci.tuwien.ac.at and put the file in incoming/ and
then send e-mail to cran at r-project.org about it.
The problem is there is no "incoming/" directory that I could see or
that I could cd into when ftping to that machine.
So I was wondering how do I make my package available?
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