[Rd] Best configure options for Data Mining

Daniele Medri daniele at medri.org
Mon May 23 09:33:04 CEST 2005


I am selecting configure-options for Data Mining applications with R,
notes that guide a user from SVN repository to system compilation on
GNU/Linux system ("gcc" as compiler).


* My system specs:
	- processor Intel 2.8Ghz HT
	- kernel Linux 2.6.10-5-686-smp
	- ram 1500 Mbyte

* Dataset to use:
	- ~900 Mbyte of text file

* R from svn repository (daily updated)

* Installed libs:

* Configure options now:

./configure --prefix=/usr  --with-blas  --with-lapack --enable-linux-lfs
--with-zlib --with-bzlib --with-pcre --with-gnu-ld


1. after configure execution, I read that my compilation will be with
lapack generic. Could I have a better option for that?

2. any good option to add/remove from configure arguments?

3. could I gain better result re-compiling the installed libs or kernel?
If true, benchmarks justify the time spent?

4. ways for benchmarking builds?

Thanks for your gentle answers.


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