[Rd] R 2.1.1 slated for June 20

Marc Schwartz MSchwartz at mn.rr.com
Wed Jun 15 14:49:38 CEST 2005

On Wed, 2005-06-15 at 07:51 +0100, Prof Brian Ripley wrote:
> Our preference is F77 compilers over F9x ones, as the lists Simon showed 
> reflects - we decided to prefer F95 to F90 in future, though.
> My experience is that g77 from gcc-3.4.x is preferable to gfortran.
> As I said earlier, once gcc-4.0.1 is released (and so R builds with a 
> released version of gcc-4.x.y - 4.0.0 needs worarounds)  I will take a 
> another look.  So far, using gcc-3.4.4 is both faster and more accurate 
> that gcc-4.0.0.  There are a few instances in which loess gives rather 
> different results with gfortran, but they are only visible by diffing
> postscript files.
> I will look into converting blas.f to F77 (but not for this release).


I have re-installed g77 and re-compiled from scratch with it.

Unless the FC folks have backported gcc-3.4 updates to gcc-3.2, that
update appears to not be imminent, as the FC devel tree (rawhide) is
still at gcc-3.2.

Best regards,


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