[Rd] checking for _non-existing_ -> documentation and
sources at one place.
wolski at molgen.mpg.de
Fri Sep 17 10:45:10 CEST 2004
Is it working with S4? If I understand it right you have to keep each function in an separate file?
What I am looking for is something what would resembles more something like this:
setClass("test", #The test data storage class. <-from this the title section is generated automatically.
size="numeric" # list size <-section slots is generated automatically.
bla="list" # stores content <-goes to section slots
##description : Stores test results.... <- goes to the description section.
##example: x <- new("test",size=1000,bla=vector("list",1000)) <-goes to the example section of the Rd file.
setMethod("unlist" # unlists a list.
,signature(x="test" #+ <-the #+ sign indicates that the docu of this function should be integrated in the docu file of the class "test" above. If non in a speparate file.
#example: unlist(x) <- because as indicated by the "+" above it is appendended to the example section of the test-Class.Rd file.
setMethod("unlist" # unlists a list.
,signature(x="test" # an object of class test <- no plus means it goes to a own unlist-methods.Rd file and the comment goes to the argument section.
##Description : function does this and that.
## further description...
##example : data(x)
## unlist(x)
And then to have a tool eg something working like R CMD makeRd (perl script)... which genreates Rd files out of it..
Has nobody a perl-script that parseres the R files to generate Rd files? Would someone be interested in something similar. If so let me know please.
*********** REPLY SEPARATOR ***********
On 9/17/2004 at 9:07 AM Mark.Bravington at csiro.au wrote:
>>>Wolski wrote:
>>>#I knew about prompt and promptMethods promptClass. They are
>>>#extremely useful if you are starting to write a package. But
>>>#what with existing packages that have to be rewritten?
>>>#Having code and documentation in one place would be a great
>>>#help. Has anyone a tool which is able to generate from
>>>#appropriately commented R-code files (e.g. <<example>>=
>>>#-example section) Rd files:
>>>#e.g. a noweb lit-prog file or patched version of Doxygen?
>>>Yes, there is such a tool-- or something close to it, anyway. My
>>>'mvbutils' package lets you keep documentation in the same source "file"
>>>as the the function definition, appended at the end. Usually, when I am
>>>developing a function I start by writing informal documentation (which
>>>still displays with "?" but isn't an Rd file). Eventually I convert the
>>>documentation into a plain-text format close to the pager representation
>>>of R help files; this format can be converted into a .Rd file using my
>>>'doc2Rd' function. Once I am close to having a whole package ready, I
>>>use the 'formalize.package' function to set up the a whole package; it
>>>creates the skeleton and the .R source file, and all the .Rd files via
>>>'doc2Rd', ready for RCMD.
>>>For more details, have a look at README.mvbutils()
>>>Hope this helps
>>>Mark Bravington
>>>PO Box 1538
>>>Castray Esplanade
>>>TAS 7001
>>>phone (61) 3 6232 5118
>>>fax (61) 3 6232 5012
>>>Mark.Bravington at csiro.au
Dipl. bio-chem. Witold Eryk Wolski @ MPI-Moleculare Genetic
Ihnestrasse 63-73 14195 Berlin 'v'
tel: 0049-30-83875219 / \
mail: witek96 at users.sourceforge.net ---W-W---- http://www.molgen.mpg.de/~wolski
wolski at molgen.mpg.de
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