[Rd] R-2.0.1 and Rggobi

Richard Beare Richard.Beare at csiro.au
Wed Nov 24 03:54:36 CET 2004

I've had no luck with the combination of R-2.0.1 and Rggobi/gobi (1.1-1 
  and 1.0-1 beta). I've tried a default configuration of ggobi, as well 
as one with all the plugins enabled. I'm using RedHat 9 Linux.

The problem I'm experiencing is a segmentation fault when library.dynam 
is called from .First.lib

ggobi appears to work OK from the command line. I had an earlier 
combination working under R-1.8.1

Does anyone have fixes/suggestions?


Richard Beare, CSIRO Mathematical & Information Sciences
Locked Bag 17, North Ryde, NSW 1670, Australia
Phone: +61-2-93253221 (GMT+~10hrs)  Fax: +61-2-93253200

Richard.Beare at csiro.au

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