[Rd] Rcmd check for Windows fails (PR#7369)

harald.weedon-fekjar at medisin.uio.no harald.weedon-fekjar at medisin.uio.no
Sun Nov 14 21:01:05 CET 2004

Full_Name: Harald Weedon-Fekjær
Version: 2.0
OS: Windows
Submission from: (NULL) (

Dear R core

Thanks again for a superb program. This is really one of the rare instances I
find a bug. The bug is easy to bypass, but can be quite confusing;

"Rcmd check" seems to fail without any good error report if the package contains
a certain amount of R code and is run from a directory contain a space in the
name (strange, but ...very annoying as I tried to include/exclude new parts many

For error report and the source that fail, see:

Feedback would be welcommed.

PS: R is really a wounder full program. S-PLUS used to be "best command line
statistical package", no it is just "best money can buy". Use R in nearly all my

Harald Weedon-Fekjaer, Oslo, Norway

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